Biberon évolutif 4-en-1 : du tire-allaitement à la diversification alimentaire - Élhée

Scalable 4-in-1 baby bottle: from breastfeeding pump to dietary diversification


Today, to feed your baby, you may use several bottles, a breast pump, small pots, a water bottle... All this to store, but above all to carry when you go out. It's a bit heavy, a bit bulky and sometimes you carry them around for nothing.

Despite everything, these objects meet a real need for your child. Breastfed, bottle-fed or diversified, their meals evolve and along with them, the composition of your crockery cupboard. Faced with this influx, a practical, sustainable, healthy and adaptable response: the 4-in-1 evolving bottle.

The 4-in-1 baby bottle: short definition of a magic object

The evolving bottle is one of the new essentials in the birth kit. Indeed, it replaces all other containers , fulfills all the essential nourishing functions and offers new durability .

scalable baby bottle, small airtight jar, breast pump adapter
It's a baby bottle : usable from birth, compatible with breastfeeding and designed in 100% healthy medical silicone, the BibROND, is soft like mother's breast.
  • It transforms into a breast pump : using the adapter rings, the BibROND evolves to become compatible with breast pumps from the Medela and Avent brands, as well as with several portable bottle warmers.
  • It's a small pot : each BibROND comes with a silicone lid which makes its bottle airtight and allows you to use it as a container for your baby's compotes and purees.
  • It transforms into a water bottle : using the soft silicone suction nozzle, the BibROND, from 4 months, transforms into a training cup.
  • The evolving bottle accompanies you from the first milk meals, until dietary diversification is well established and even after.

    A scalable, simple, adaptable and innovative baby bottle

    Because parenthood is not just a long, quiet river, but also a journey strewn with pitfalls and questions, Élhée makes life easier for each parent with its healthy, stylish and avant-garde childcare objects .

    Each age has its needs

    Throughout the first months of a child's life, there are many learnings and changes, not always easy to identify and even less easy to follow. This is particularly the case with food. Bottles and teats of different sizes, then small jars, spoon and learning bottle, and, later, glass, plate and cutlery, with, between each stage, a time of adaptation.

    The evolving bottle smoothes these moments of transition, for the greatest comfort of your child.

    Adaptability as a key word

    For parents, the evolving baby bottle brings together three essentials for baby's cooking in a single emotional object: bottle, small pot and bottle. All to optimize and simplify your organization.

    By adding the Medela breast pump adapter and/or the Avent breast pump adapter , also compatible with several brands of portable bottle warmers, you create a scalable 4-in-1 bottle to express, store and warm your milk very simply .

    An eco-designed baby bottle, designed for the circular economy

    Élhée has imagined for you an eco-designed baby bottle that respects the principles of the circular economy, made with love for babies and designed to offer parents a healthy and sustainable solution for feeding their child.

    • sustainable scalable baby bottle for the circular economy
      Eco-design at each stage: vegetable ink, FSC certified papers, recycled and recyclable materials, environmentally friendly raw materials, traceability... So many positive elements for the evolving baby bottle and for a preventive approach to issues linked to the environment.
    • local and responsible manufacturing chain, elhee
      Choice of a territorial ecology: assembly, packaging and logistics are entrusted to an ESAT located in Drôme, in addition, the raw materials for BibROND all come directly from France or Europe.
    • durable, flexible and unbreakable evolving baby bottle
      Extension of the duration of use : the BibROND is unbreakable thanks to the flexible silicone that makes it up, and durable thanks to the interchangeability and the sale of spare parts which are complemented by the breast pump and bottle warmer adapter rings.
    • scalable and responsible baby bottle
      Responsible consumption: the evolving baby bottle is a versatile, reusable object that can be passed on from one child to another.

    As a bonus, the breast pump and bottle warmer adapter rings are also compatible with our Bubble training cup (like all the other elements of the BibROND 240 ml ).

    Thus, the evolving baby bottle is much more than a simple childcare accessory. Elevated to the rank of a magical and deeply emotional object, it is designed to soothe babies and simplify parents' lives. So why wait? Treat yourself to the 4-in-1 bottle, so that your world runs smoothly, like his.

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