Allaitement : la liste des bienfaits pour la maman - Élhée

Breastfeeding: the list of benefits for mothers


We know that breast milk is undoubtedly the best food to nourish a baby in the first months of his life. What is less known is that breastfeeding offers many benefits to mothers too. Zen, sleep, calories burned and strengthened filial bond, all positive points for those who wish to breastfeed from the first feeding.

Breastfeeding, a natural antidepressant

Breastfeeding feels good . Despite the pain, despite the discomfort, despite the difficulties sometimes present at the start.

So, breastfeed could reduce the risk of postnatal depression at the new mother's house . During pregnancy, the intention to breastfeed and successfully carrying out this wish would reduce the risk of depression by 42% in the two months following the birth of the child.

In France, approximately 10 to 20% mothers are affected by postpartum depression every year. Hormones, change of life, a lack of balance, fatigue or even exhaustion or even isolation can be the causes. Upstream, breastfeeding and appropriate support could contribute to emotional well-being of every new mother.

Breastfeeding relaxes and boosts self-confidence

Breastfeeding your child and feeding him with his own milk is an experience like no other. Indeed, what miracle is more incredible than that of breastfeeding?

All mothers know the happiness to watch their child eat and enjoy a satisfying meal, whatever their age. Also, it is easy to imagine this tenfold pleasure looking at this tiny baby nestled against her breast.

From a physiological point of view, oxytocin and endorphin secreted during feedings provide serenity and relaxation to the mother. Enough to take full advantage of the present moment and pump up your self-satisfaction gauge.

Exclusive breastfeeding acts as a contraceptive

When you breastfeed, your body naturally produces prolactin , a hormone stimulated by sucking and intended to promote breast milk production. But that is not its only role.

Prolactin prevents, or at least limits, ovulation . She therefore delays the return of menstruation (the famous return of diapers never expected) and reduces the risk of a new pregnancy . Be careful however, according to the WHO, the contraceptive effect of prolactin through breastfeeding requires some precautions.

Breastfeeding should be exclusive and feedings should be regular, at least every 6 hours at night and every 4 hours during the day, with 6 long or 10 short feedings to obtain sufficient hormonal stimulation. Also, the mother must not have returned from childbirth.

This method is called MaMa : Breastfeeding and Amenorrhea Method. Validated in 1988 by the Bellagio Consensus, then confirmed in 1995 by new studies carried out across Europe, the Consensus indicates that “exclusive breastfeeding prevents more than 98% of pregnancies during the first six months. » This period of amenorrhea (absence of periods) can therefore be considered as a period of natural infertility .

Breastfeeding from the first day also reduces the risk of postpartum hemorrhage by promoting the expulsion of the placenta as well as the retraction of the uterus.

To sleep better and go back to sleep, breastfeeding is the key

Here again, it is a question of hormones of well-being and relaxation. Oxytocin released during feedings also affects the quality of your nights and those of your infant by promoting relaxation and therefore, falling asleep more quickly . A significant advantage when two, three or four feedings break up your sleep, for several months.

Moreover, breastfeeding allows you to feed your baby from your bed without depriving you of its warmth or comfort. A combo that is all the more successful if your partner dedicates himself to picking up the baby in his little bed.

In terms of health too, breastfeeding is good for the mother

Each additional month of breastfeeding represents so many positive elements for the health of mothers.

Breastfeeding has effects antidepressants thanks to the hormones released in the body, such as oxytocin then present at very high levels.

Still thanks to hormones, risks of developing diabetes would be reduced in the breastfeeding mother throughout her life.

Similarly, breastfeeding may offer some protection against heart problems and cardiovascular diseases . This in particular thanks to lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels and a correspondingly reduced risk of diabetes.

Prolonged breastfeeding, that is to say at least 6 months, could have a positive impact on the reduction of breast, ovarian or uterine cancers in women . Several studies indicate that the longer the period of breastfeeding - whether for a single child or for several children - the greater the protective effect.

Finally, oxytocin again promotes bone remineralization after pregnancy and childbirth and prevents the onset of osteoporosis at menopause.

Breastfed or expressed milk = calories burned

It's not a myth: breastfeeding your baby can help you burn up 500 calories per day, the equivalent of one hour of cycling . Not bad is not it ? Of course you have to add a hint of patience, adjust your postpartum diet and perhaps go on long walks with your baby, but there is no doubt that breastfeeding helps you regain your pre-pregnancy figure.

Breast milk saves

Breastfeeding your child allows you to save hundreds of euros on powdered milk in the first year alone.

No artificial milk if you breastfeed exclusively, but always less if you practice mixed breastfeeding. You won't need to buy a bottle either. Despite everything, if you fall for the bibROND and its small round body, know that it is the recommended breastfeeding bottle to share your breastfeeding or to gently begin weaning your child.

Breastfeeding baby, benefits for life!

Among all the others, this is the good news to remember if you are breastfeeding or if you plan to breastfeed your baby. THE benefits of breastfeeding never end and continue throughout your life!

Less stress, better sleep, reduced risks of heart disease and cancer and even benefits during menopause , breastfeeding has it all.

If breastfeeding is the most natural and instinctive way to feed your child, it is important to remember that whether or not to breastfeed your baby is a personal choice which should not be subject to any discussion, but responds to an intimate conviction.

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