7 astuces bienveillantes pour faire accepter le biberon à un bébé allaité - Élhée

7 caring tips for getting a breastfed baby to accept the bottle


You breastfed, you loved it, but it is now time for different reasons (return to work, baby who refuses the breast, the approach of the nursery or nanny who will soon start, or the desire to take some time for you...) to move gently from the breast to the bottle.

If you want to switch to mixed breastfeeding, or even wean your child, we advise you to apply these different tips to get your breastfed baby to accept the bottle without too much struggle...

1. Encourage baby to take the bottle with cuddles and reassuring words

Your child senses that something is not as usual. If he cries or screams, it is above all to show his nervousness. To reassure him and encourage him to take the bottle of milk that you hand him, talk to him. Babies love having sweet words whispered into their ears, don’t deprive yourself of it… 😉

The tone of your voice will help reassure them. You can prop it up on your lap or against your shoulder for a hug and repeat the meal operation a little later.

Of course, encouraging your baby does not mean forcing him to drink. We strongly advise against forcing the pacifier into your child's mouth. This would only make his crying and stubbornness worse. It is better to opt for patience and perseverance than annoyance, which your baby perceives very well as his sensitivity is large and without filter.

2. Coat the nipple tip with breast milk

The final tip that we offer you is aimed at desperate parents who have tried everything to get their breastfed baby to accept the bottle. Be careful, this technique does not work every time...

But as the saying goes: try nothing, get nothing! Before giving the bottle to your little one, coat the nipple of breast milk so that its taste stimulates baby and encourages him to drink. You can repeat this maneuver as many times as necessary ! Gradually, you will realize that your child will no longer need this subterfuge to swallow his meal. 😄

3. Choose a bottle that resembles the shape of the nursing breast

If none of the techniques work, the problem is bigger than you thought. So for great ills there are great remedies! If your child misses the breast so much, why not bet on a bottle whose generous shape reminded him of that of your breast ?

If in addition, the texture is as soft as peach skin, it’s jackpot! Giving a bottle close to the maternal breast due to its ergonomics helps to alleviate the risk of breast-pacifier confusion. On this subject, we invite you to read this article: Breast, pacifier or bottle: how to avoid confusion?

4. Delegate the meal task to a third person

Does your best friend dream of giving your baby a bottle? Our partner doesn't know how to tell you how much they would like to take part more in your child's meal? THE switching from breast to bottle is the perfect opportunity to pass the baton! And in fact, baby associates:

● your voice,
● your face,
● your presence
 in general, breastfeeding…

If a third person is in charge of his steps, it is likely that he will be more docile with her than with you. Don't be disappointed. On the contrary ! This shows that your baby accepts change. Soon you will be the one giving the bottle. 👍

5. Practice skin-to-skin contact while bottle-feeding

Skin-to-skin consists of holding your baby close to you, first taking care to undress both you and your baby. The contact of your skin reassures your child and reminds him of the very first moments of life that he experienced, snuggled against your body. Body heat reminds him of his intrauterine life and helps calm his senses.

It is perfectly possible to give the bottle in a position skin-to-skin. To avoid any risk of leaking and finding yourself wet, do not hesitate to slide in a terry towel or a diaper under your child's head while they drink. It is best to slightly darken the room by dimming the light.

The cozy atmosphere will reduce stimuli and calm your baby's nervous system.

6. Give the bottle during a carrying session

You have understood, close contact with his mother are special moments for the child. If you feel capable, you can offer him his bottle during a carrying session, whether in a sling or in a baby carrier.

Make sure your little one is supported in the same way as if he were in your arms to avoid any risk of regurgitation or reflux. Babies carried in a sling are more soothed by the cocoon aspect provided by swaddling.

7. Test different brands of milk powder

Did the first bottle you offered your baby fail? Maybe the problem does not come from the bottle but from what it contains... You can try testing several milk brands artificial to see if your baby is more receptive.

Once you have found the brand that best suits your baby, it is best not to change it (except in cases of force majeure, such as in the case of a intolerance with cow's milk proteins).

When should you stop breastfeeding your baby and switch to bottle feeding permanently?

In itself, there is no real rule regarding the end of breastfeeding.

● Some mothers choose to breastfeed their children for a very long time, sometimes several years.
● Others, on the contrary, find it easier to give a bottle as soon as their baby is born.
● Mixed breastfeeding represents an interesting compromise.

The best time to stop breastfeeding is the one that seems most favorable to you.

Whether your child is 1 month, 6 months or 1 year old is of little importance . In reality, only you can decide when to stop breastfeeding. It is important to stop because you want to, and not because the pressure from your family or the dictates of society becomes too strong.

The WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for up to 6 months, then continuing feedings until the child is 2 years old. Of course, these are only recommendations and are in no way obligatory. If you want to give the bottle as soon as you leave the maternity , know that this will not harm your child's health.

Your baby won't necessarily be sicker if you don't breastfeed. You can also choose to give only the welcome feeding, consisting of colostrum , in order to provide the child with its very first antibodies. Here again, this very personal decision should not be influenced by external factors and is entirely up to you. 😊

What you must remember

The transition from breast to bottle is not an easy task and some babies can sometimes be resistant. Sometimes you have to use a little trickery to convince them that this new accessory is only good for them. If the tips in this article do not help you achieve your goals, we recommend that you contact your pediatrician or a lactation consultant.

To find out about Elhée brand baby bottles and discover our colorful range, go to our shop online ! 🍼


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