Béance dentaire : adopter la tétine physiologique en prévention - Élhée

Dental open bite: adopt the physiological pacifier for prevention

Often seen on the front teeth, between the lower and upper jaws, open bite, a type of malocclusion, is very common in children. While the causes can be very varied, prolonged use of a pacifier or excessive thumb sucking are some of them. Fortunately, open bite can be prevented, particularly by using a physiological pacifier, which is more respectful of the development of the palate and teeth.


Do you know what a dental gap is?

A dental gap, also called an infraclusion, is defined by the absence of contact between certain teeth in the upper and lower jaw arches , creating a more or less significant visible space. This anomaly can affect different areas of the mouth. We then speak of:

    • anterior dental gap on the incisors and canines,
    • posterior dental gap on premolars and molars,
    • lateral dental gap if only one side of the mouth is affected,
    • total dental gap , when the two jaws do not fit together at all.

    These different forms of malocclusion (poor alignment of the teeth) lead many pre-adolescents accompanied by their parents to the dentist each year, who recommends that they make an appointment with the orthodontist, in particular to assess the benefit of partial or total fitting of dental braces .

    How to identify a gap in your child's teeth?

    To spot misplaced teeth and jaws, you just need to be a little observant. And since, as a parent, you spend a lot of time admiring your baby, everything should go well. 🥰

    Watch your child when he eats, drinks and even when he speaks , you will easily be able to identify a gap (even small) on the front teeth , especially his incisors. It's simple, it reminds the placement of the thumb in the mouth.

    Visible to the naked eye, this dental anomaly can also be recognized by possible difficulties in eating properly (particularly when cutting food with the teeth) or by certain speech problems (such as a hair on the tongue).

    A straw that is consistently placed in the same place between the teeth, a child who always chews on the same side, or who breathes primarily through the mouth (due to different placement of the tongue and jaws) are other signs that a slight discrepancy is developing and that an appointment with a specialist is necessary.

    The importance of a pediatric dental consultation to help you

    Pediatric visits are essential to monitor your baby's growth, weight gain and development. As they grow, the doctor will be able to observe the emergence of the first teeth and their proper placement . If he notices a space that is a little too large between certain teeth or dental alignment that needs to be monitored, he will let you know.

    However, you can take action! If you notice the first signs of a gap in your teeth, or if you suspect that your thumb is preventing your baby's teeth from coming in correctly, you should know that a first appointment with the dentist can definitely take place around the age of two for an initial assessment of your little one's future smile.

    Genetics, habits and morphology: the reasons for a dental gap

    There are many reasons why your child may be affected by one type of gap or another. Most of them have their origins in early childhood and lifestyle habits, but not only.

    • Improper tongue placement when speaking or swallowing can cause the jaws to move apart and create a misalignment.

    • Certain sucking habits : used for too long or too often during the oral and dental growth phase, the pacifier, bottle and thumb can cause teeth to misalign.

    • Genetics can also come into play as they play a role in the shape, size and positioning of teeth and jaws.

    The consequences of an untreated dental gap

    First of all, it is important to emphasize that a gapping tooth problem is not serious, but it is important that it be corrected. In the short or medium term, it can indeed have repercussions on your child's health and dental hygiene . If it is very pronounced, it can also harm their personal image and relationships with others .

    • At the level of the teeth:

      • premature wear of the enamel due to friction.,

      • occlusion problems (poor closing of the mouth) and sometimes certain articulation disorders,

      • difficulty chewing .

    • In terms of dental aesthetics:

      • A very visible gap can harm self-confidence , especially in adolescents, who will sometimes go so far as to stop smiling so as not to show their teeth.

    • On the functional level:

      • depending on the type of gap, an already present pronunciation defect may be accentuated,

      • This malocclusion can also lead to breathing through the mouth rather than through the nose (while the nose acts as a filter against allergens, certain pollens or microbes, which are potentially harmful to health).

    • Regarding dental hygiene:

      • A gap in your tooth can create areas that are harder to brush and can lead to cavities,

      • In adulthood, there is an increased risk of developing periodontal pockets around misaligned teeth.

    If you read us regularly (thank you 🤍 ), your baby may not have any teeth yet or is currently using a teething ring to help them come out. So you're wondering where these considerations about adolescent discomfort or dental difficulties are taking you. Quite simply, towards preventing dental gaps from your baby's first months .

    Thumb and pacifier, the number one problem for babies’ teeth

    As we mentioned above, thumbs and pacifiers are among the main causes of gapping teeth in toddlers . By exerting regular pressure on the teeth, both act on their positioning, sometimes even before they appear. To get around the problem, pediatricians and orthodontists recommend limiting thumb use and pacifier use from a very young age.

    But removing a baby's pacifier is not easy (and thumbs are even harder). It is in fact the number of times he wakes up at night to put the pacifier back in place that we can measure its importance.

    Choosing the right pacifier to preserve your teeth

    The pacifier is very effective in soothing and comforting babies. But, to choose the most suitable model, several criteria come into play.

    First, choose your baby's pacifier according to their age . From 0 to 6 months, from 6 to 18 months and for those over 18 months; the pacifier comes in different sizes to fit all babies. While the collar should always be wide enough to avoid the risk of ingestion, the teat varies.

    Its introduction must also be done gently and at the right time . Wait at least 4 weeks after birth to offer it to your baby, in order to avoid any risk of confusion with the breast . Offer it first when baby is calm and associate it with a ritual such as a cuddle. This technique will help you to clearly define the times of use.

    Around 12 months and up to the age of 2 years, you can begin weaning from the pacifier with complete peace of mind. First, reduce its use to naps, falling asleep in the evening and when the baby is tired, then take advantage of a transition or a change in baby's life to definitively wean him. The pacifier can then be replaced by another reassuring object such as a comforter.

    In this way, the pacifier remains a pleasure and a useful childcare accessory to accompany the emotions of little ones and soothe their need to suck .

    The physiological pacifier, your ally in preventing dental gaps

    a baby and his physiological pacifier

    Also called an orthodontic pacifier, the physiological pacifier is distinguished largely by its unique shape in total harmony with children's mouths , but also has other advantages.

    • A shape adapted to the oral anatomy of babies with a rounded side that respects the palate and a flattened side that rests on the tongue.

    • Less risk of dental malocclusion thanks to a design that helps prevent tooth positioning problems such as open bite and promotes natural sucking without excessive pressure.

    • In addition to its ability to prevent dental gaps, the physiological pacifier can also contribute to the proper oral development of children . By providing natural suction and promoting appropriate oral and tongue posture, it can help strengthen the jaw muscles and encourage nasal breathing.

    • Safe and hygienic materials such as medical silicone , guarantee healthy and safe use for the baby's health in addition to facilitating the cleaning of the pacifier.

    • Easier to stop than thumb sucking , the physiological pacifier can ultimately be replaced by other means of comfort, such as a comfort blanket or a calming ritual.

    What to do if you notice a gap in your child's teeth?

    Although the problem of a gap in teeth is primarily aesthetic, your baby may want to correct it as he or she grows up. So don't wait until the discomfort becomes too great.

    At the first doubts about the correct placement of your little one's teeth (or for any other dental problem) go to the pediatrician for babies or directly to the dentist or orthodontist for older children . There, you will know if the defect is slight and easy to resolve, or if, once the permanent teeth have grown, it will be necessary to go through the orthodontics and dental appliance box. Functional rehabilitation may also be considered if the anomaly encountered is due to poor positioning of the tongue.

    In adults, in the most severe cases of open bite with a significant misalignment of the teeth, orthodontic treatment may consist of oral surgery aimed at modifying both the size and position of the jaws.

    One more reason, if any were needed, to anticipate and switch to the physiological pacifier today!


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