- Breastfeeding is giving of yourself: glory to the mother
- Spouse: define your best role with your baby!
- The family’s essential technical support: it’s you
- Be involved in breastfeeding your child
- As soon as possible, lighten the mental load on your relationship
It is undeniable that breastfeeding creates a bubble of intimacy between mother and child. But, if you look closely, it seems possible to penetrate it to share your baby's feedings with two or even three people . Encouragement, but also logistical support and bottle management, the role of the second parent can take different forms depending on their desire and their involvement throughout the first months of the infant's life. Dad, second mom, second dad or co-parent, between patience, anticipation, support and admiration , discover how to practice shared breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding is giving of yourself: glory to the mother
Breastfeeding is not a trivial act. After the upheaval of the birth of a child, breastfeeding exclusively implies for the mother, a true gift of self.
Day and night, tired or not , she is available. For months, she paid attention to her diet , favoring galactogenic products and avoiding many others. At home, with friends, with family, in public places, everywhere, she accepts the (sometimes controversial) choice of breastfeeding her child. In her body and in her privacy, she also accepts discomfort and sometimes pain , for the well-being and health of her baby. The breastfeeding mother is a fighter! Despite everything, by being present at his side, you can help him.
- Support her in her choices as a mother, accompany her in her process, adore her for what she does and comfort her in times of doubt.
- Provide her with moral and physical support in the event of fatigue, difficulty putting the baby to the breast or pain... Always be present, attentive and be available, especially as she may not show you how much she needs it.
- Day to day, surround them with protection and love. Form an unshakable triad , defend your choices and your way of doing things, especially when it comes to sensitive subjects like breastfeeding in public.
Spouse: define your best role with your baby!
When a baby is born, the entire family organization is shaken up. It is sometimes difficult to find your place between the young mother and her newborn . You may feel frustrated and even misunderstood, or left out. Discuss and test different configurations together! You will undoubtedly end up finding your feet and creating beautiful harmony at home.
Also, to practice shared breastfeeding, the best role you can play is the one you give yourself. See for yourself where you feel best and when you feel most useful to your family . Don't underestimate yourself and don't put limits on yourself. [su_highlight background="#FCF3F0"]Just because you're not breastfeeding doesn't mean you can't breastfeed[/su_highlight].
The family’s essential technical support: it’s you
Never let anyone doubt it! When your wife is breastfeeding, she is entirely focused on feeding her baby, helping him breastfeed and providing him with as much comfort as possible, often to the point of forgetting his own. Fortunately, you are there to help her and provide the necessary logistical support.
- Make breastfeeding more comfortable : offer her the right armchair, bring her a soft blanket, go for walks, find the best places so she can breastfeed without being disturbed...
- Bring him his breastfeeding accessories (additional cushions, soft night light for nighttime feedings, diaper, etc.)
- Imagine a small snack so that she can eat and drink (especially at the beginning when breastfeeding is very frequent and even more so if baby takes her time to breastfeed). Breast milk is largely made up of water , so breastfeeding mothers need to hydrate regularly.
Shared breastfeeding: take action with your child
You can't imagine everything you can do to get even more involved in breastfeeding your child, even without breastfeeding.
At night, bring mother and child together for feedings
When he wakes up to nurse, pick up your little one from his bed and bring him to your bed, next to your partner. This will give him time to wake up and prepare a little before welcoming him into the palm of his arms.
During the day, watch the time to know when to feed him. If you manage to understand the physiological rhythm of your newborn , you will be able (perhaps not always, but sometimes) to anticipate his need for milk, his cries, and thus avoid a certain number of stressful and complicated situations.
Use skin to skin to make your baby wait
Exactly, mom is not available immediately, or baby is a little early for his meal time? As a result, he cries his eyes out and bursts into tears in your arms.
Play the appeasement card and try skin to skin . It could well be that, leaning against you, your child calms down enough to give his mother time to come home or settle down. So who is the hero of the day?
Take over with bottles of breast milk
For a supporting role worthy of the first, take full control of your child's breastfeeding by giving him bottles of breast milk ! Mixed breastfeeding is indeed a great solution for parents who wish to share their child's meals.
How to do ? Beforehand, mom prepares her breast pump, expresses her milk a little each day and stores it in the fridge or freezer. When you need it, you gently defrost the volume of milk you need, or warm it with a bottle warmer.
A bottle designed for mixed breastfeeding
Moreover, for the health of your baby but also for your pleasure, Élhée has designed a bottle as healthy as the milk drink it contains. Made of medical grade silicone for a soft touch and equipped with a physiological teat to promote sucking and digestion , our eco-designed bibRond made in France displays the innovative design of the emotional object that we keep for a long time. Maybe you will be the next to try it?
As soon as possible, lighten the mental load on your relationship
Upheaval, revolution, earthquake... There are never enough superlatives to describe the arrival (eventful or not) of a baby. Desired and sometimes awaited for a long time, it immediately captures all your attention and all your energy for a long time. So, regularly or at least initially, don't hesitate to put off until the next day everything that is not urgent , to put things into perspective and release the pressure , together .

- When the opportunity presents itself, take the lead in managing meals and sharing household chores , prepare larger quantities to reheat and why not use your 4 a.m. insomnia to concoct a delicious breakfast.
- Drop your other children off for a few days with friends or their grandparents and enjoy a little rest to organize yourself in peace, as a group of three.
- Dad or co-parent, allow yourself special moments with your baby , outside of feedings. Give him a bath or go together in a stroller while mommy rests. It's a great way to establish and strengthen the budding bond between you.
Whatever way you want to organize yourself, treat yourself or relieve pressure, don't hesitate. As the years go by, opportunities won't always present themselves when you need them! In addition, you will be even more inclined to enjoy the joys of parenthood, to marvel and find together the beautiful balance that will make your life.
Often, pregnancy, childbirth, then the period of breastfeeding also modify the intimate relationships between the couple. Sometimes in harmony and even exacerbated, sometimes non-existent and avoided, it is according to the wishes and feelings of each person. Again, take the time to talk about it and express your feelings: be patient with each other and everything will be fine!