PMA : de femmes guerrières à mères courage, des vies bouleversées pour l’amour d’un enfant - Élhée

PMA: from warrior women to courageous mothers, lives turned upside down for the love of a child


  • PMA in France
  • Pamper your body to give it resilience

In France according to the latest figures published in 2018 , 758,590 babies were born, including 25,120 (3.3%) thanks to PMA . A figure that has been steadily increasing since the first birth by in vitro fertilization in 1982. Despite this, the “test tube babies” born that year requested nearly 150,000 insemination attempts to their parents. A figure that is both dizzying and gives an idea of ​​the strength necessary for all couples who embark on a journey of medically assisted procreation. A conviction all the stronger as the average success percentage IVF and artificial inseminations remains relatively low, between 10 and 25%.

PMA in France

We are talking about medically assisted procreation (MAP) or medically assisted procreation (AMP) when it comes to allow or facilitate the meeting between an oocyte and spermatozoa , with a view to obtaining a pregnancy. Like adoption, PMA is one of the solutions available in France to remedy infertility.

Who can benefit ?

The first French law relating to “donation and use of elements and products of the human body, medical assistance in procreation and prenatal diagnosis”, dates from 1994 . At the time, it only concerned heterosexual couples who were having difficulty conceiving a child.
Since the bioethics law promulgated in August 2021 came to dust off the codes. The PMA is now open not only to straight couples, but also to lesbian couples and single women , whether or not they have fertility problems. This is the advent of “PMA for all”.

How to embark on an assisted procreation procedure?

Overall, the pre-PMA journey is the same for everyone. A fertility assessment is carried out in lesbian couples or single women who do not a priori have problems conceiving a child.

For their part, after 12 to 24 months of unsuccessful baby attempts, heterosexual couples achieve a infertility assessment which determines, when possible, the medical, genetic, andrological, gynecological cause of the disorder.

For everyone, it is the beginning of a long journey, often tiring, emotionally taxing, strewn with medical appointments, dates, schedules, constraints, examinations, tests, questions, doubts and of questioning.

Different PMA techniques depending on the profiles

Depending on the causes of infertility and the profile of the couple or the future mother, three medically assisted procreation techniques can be offered.

  • Artificial insemination
  • IVF
  • Embryo reception

Artificial insemination is the oldest and least invasive of the three methods. This is also often where PMA courses begin. It requires, on the one hand, that the future mother's uterine tubes are healthy and, on the other, the collection of sperm from her partner, or from a donor. The male gametes are then introduced directly inside the female uterus to promote natural fertilization.

In vitro fertilization takes place outside the female body . The oocyte and sperm meet in the laboratory, before being implanted in the uterus to develop there.
IVF can also be in vitro fertilization with ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection). In this case, instead of letting the sperm implant spontaneously in the oocyte, a microinjection is used to directly introduce the best sperm, at the best time. The resulting embryo or embryos can then be placed in the uterus to develop.
Please note that IVF can be performed with a donor's sperm, a donor's egg, or, in certain cases, as part of a double gamete donation.

In France, Embryo reception is the least used medical procreation technique . Indeed, it mainly intervenes in the event of failure of other methods, in the event of a risk of transmission of a genetic disease or to support single and infertile women in their desire to become pregnant.
Here, the embryo implanted in the recipient's uterus comes from anonymous donors who no longer have a parental plan, or who have chosen to donate.

These different procedures are generally preceded by one or more cycles of ovarian stimulation , first orally then by injections. Often poorly experienced because they are emotionally complicated and painful, these moments make the daily lives of future parents and mothers difficult and sometimes psychologically violent. For the love of their child to be conceived, these women draw and mobilize all the courage they have within them.

PMA and filiation: mothers, fathers and children

As is the case with naturally conceived babies, the filiation is automatic for married heterosexual couples , who resort to PMA without donors. THE cohabitees and civil partnership couples must carry out recognition of paternity .
For the couples of women, a visit to the notary is necessary to establish joint and anticipated recognition of the unborn child. Thus, since the filiation between the woman who gives birth and her child is established by the birth certificate, both women are full mothers of their child.
Lesbian couples who used a PMA abroad before August 3, 2021 can, until August 3, 2024 , they also go before the notary for joint recognition of their child.

Pamper your body to give it resilience

Ovarian stimulations, hormone injections, medical monitoring, follicular punctures, general anesthesia, embryo transfers, blood tests... So that it welcomes life, PMA puts a strain on women's bodies . The body and the heart for that matter.
In 2017, INSERM published the following figures: depending on the technique used, the chances of getting pregnant vary from Approximately 10% to 22% per test . We also know that age is an essential factor in the success of an artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization process. Before the age of 30, the probability is much higher than after the age of 40. However, in France, the average age of the mother at the birth of her first baby is almost 29 years . This is why, in the event of difficulty procreating, it is recommended to consult quickly.
Because the PMA journeys are long, tiring, trying, full of hopes and disappointments that are always difficult to cope with, taking care of your body and mind even before the first insemination is essential . And because, barring exceptions, the medical profession will be overwhelmed and not very attentive, it is up to each woman to surround yourself with the right people and a cocoon of kindness , as soon as possible.

Practicing naturopathy to mitigate the effects of treatments

There naturopathy tends to balance the body thanks to different methods, all natural such as a change in diet, the practice of fasting, or even the use of herbal medicine. As a health professional, the naturopath supports his patients towards health autonomy and the restoration of their self-healing abilities.
Also for prepare the female body for the obstacle course that is PMA , Optimizing your diet and lifestyle is a plus .
For example, proteins and omega 3 support the production of hormones, while whole foods or seasonal fruits and vegetables enrich an anti-inflammatory diet favorable to the proper functioning of the body.

Take advantage of the benefits of acupuncture to prepare your body to welcome a baby

Chinese medicine focuses on the balance of the body as a whole. Among its different specialties is acupuncture and its many benefits, particularly in terms of fertility and maternity.
Before and during pregnancy, several points are interesting to work on. Acupuncture makes it possible to regulate female cycle disorders like period pain or spotting. Also, she promotes the growth of follicles, the production of oocytes, the quality of cervical mucus and the vascularization of the endometrium, for better implantation .
Thus, two points are among the most used in Chinese obstetric medicine: one prepares the body to receive and welcome life, while the other promotes the birth of a peaceful baby.

Contact a doula to discuss your journey together

The doula, from the ancient Greek “slave woman”, was in the time of Socrates, part of the household servants. More particularly dedicated to the care of her mistress, she accompanied her particularly during pregnancy and at the time of childbirth.
Today, the doula rather plays the role of spiritual coach or guide for future and young mothers , but also for their immediate family, their spouse or their children. Outside the medical circle and alongside the midwife, she guides, reassures, supports, informs, shares, transmits and remains 100% available and attentive to needs and emotions .
As part of a PMA journey, or outside of this context, the doula, and more especially the “fertility doula” can be of precious help. With it, it is possible to evoke the difficulty of a strict protocol, the physical pain, the desire for a child, the envy in the face of other pregnant women, the incomprehension, the guilt also perhaps in the face of infertility
Consult the directory of doulas in France.
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