Einklappbarer Inhalt
Wartung: Der Élhée-Lernbecher ist für perfekte Hygiene und Reinigung per Hand mit heißem Seifenwasser vollständig abnehmbar.
Der Graouu-Lernbecher ist nicht spülmaschinenfest.
Maintenance: After use, disassemble the learning cup to clean it carefully by hand or in the dishwasher (be careful of the risk of discoloration from contact with carrot juice, tomatoes and various oils).
To keep your learning cup intact, hand wash is recommended.
Bestellungen werden innerhalb von 24/48 Stunden (Werktagen) vorbereitet und versendet.
Die Lieferung ist im französischen Mutterland ab 80 € und in Europa und den Vereinigten Staaten ab 150 € kostenlos .
Umtausch und Rückgabe: Kostenlos innerhalb von 90 Tagen im französischen Mutterland.
„Meine Tochter Clémence liebt ihre Wasserflasche, die sie überall hin mitnehmen kann, ohne Gefahr zu laufen, sie zu zerbrechen!“
„Mein kleiner Paul hat seine Wasserflasche nachts im Bett und kann trinken, wann immer er durstig ist, ohne dass sie überall ausläuft, sehr praktisch!“
frequently asked Questions
What are the benefits of the Élhée learning cup?
The Élhée water bottle offers a multitude of benefits for your baby's well-being:
- Facilitates independence : Light and unbreakable, it is easy to hold by babies who can take it anywhere without risk of breakage! Its ergonomic and robust design allows them to learn to drink independently without risk of breakage.
- Anti-leak suction spout: Equipped with an anti-leak suction spout, the training cup allows the child to quench their thirst during meals or at night, without the risk of spilling it everywhere!
- Healthy and safe materials : The Élhée medical silicone learning cup does not contain bisphenol (0% BPA, BPS, BPF), or other substances likely to harm the health of babies, such as lead, PVC, phthalate, nistrosamine, cadmium, heavy metals...
It is non-allergenic and perfectly suited to food contact.
From what age is it recommended?
From 6 months, babies begin to explore solid food in addition to their milk diet (breast or infant milk), this is also the time when we can start offering them small quantities of water for meals.
Offering them in a training cup encourages their independence and facilitates the transition from bottle to glass.