At Élhée the entire production chain, from the choice of the quality of raw materials, to the shipping of our finished products, is entirely transparent. All the parts and elements of the packaging are manufactured in France and all the assembly and packaging stages of the BibRond Élhée are entrusted to a company employing people with disabilities (ESAT) with whom we have the privilege of working on a daily basis and which we wanted to highlight today.

ESAT (Establishment and services for assistance through work) La Providence, located in Saint-Laurent-en-Royans, is a medico-social work structure reserved for people with disabilities and aimed at their social and professional integration . ESAT provides work adapted to the different people welcomed, and also has the mission of promoting their autonomy.

At Élhée, the social and solidarity dimension is very important and we are very proud to work with La Providence, which supports us daily in many stages of the production of the BibRond .
Amandine, Diane, Séverine and Nadia work exclusively for Élhée and take great care in checking, assembling, packaging and soon shipping your Élhée BibRonds. Fabienne, their instructor, supports them with a view to promoting their autonomy and helps them succeed in their professional and personal projects. Élhée is a big family and working in collaboration with La Providence is a very rich human experience. We are happy to present their work, which is so precious to us.