Qu’est-ce qu’un biberon d’apprentissage ? - Élhée

What is a training bottle?

The training bottle, also known as the training cup , is a bottle specially designed to facilitate the transition from the traditional bottle to the glass. It offers toddlers an opportunity to learn to drink independently while avoiding spills.

Let's take a closer look at its main benefits and when to introduce it into your baby's life.


The training bottle: between the birth bottle and the glass

The training bottle can be defined as a step between the birth bottle and the glass. Unlike the classic baby bottle, it does not have a teat but a pouring spout, also known as an anti-leak spout .

  • A learning “glass” that doesn’t spill

  • As this second name indicates, the spout of the bottle does not leak liquid if it falls, unlike the pacifier which can start to leak if your child decides to let go before having finished drinking. 'full milk expected.

    But unlike glass, it requires several assembly elements to function, in the same way as a traditional bottle used after weaning or during mixed breastfeeding . It can therefore include, in addition to a pouring spout:

    • a lid,
    • a hermetic closing system (ring or tightening ring),
    • as well as a central part where the liquid is poured (container).

    This design provides excellent leak prevention!

    Promote the autonomy of young children with a learning bottle

    The main advantage of a training bottle is that it promotes the autonomy of young children. It encourages them to coordinate their movements from hand to mouth.

    Thanks to a suitable design and quick handling, children also develop their fine motor skills and their ability to grasp and hold an object on their own, without the help of their parents or the intervention of a third person.

    How does using a training bottle limit dental problems?

    Did you know that using a training bottle helps limit dental problems in children?

    Late feedings responsible for early cavities?

    One of the main factors contributing to the appearance of these problems, and in particular cavities, remains prolonged exposure to sugary liquids, such as milk coupled with cereals.

    This exposure takes place in particular in the evening, when a bottle is offered to the child to help him fall asleep. The sugary liquids then remain in contact with the teeth for a long time, thus promoting the proliferation of bacteria responsible for cavities.

    Using a training bottle can allow him to gently detach himself from this need for sucking , sometimes visceral and often felt at bedtime.

    Improving dental alignment in young children

    The pouring spouts fitted to training bottles require more mature sucking from the child. This promotes the development of oral musculature and jaw muscles. More mature and controlled sucking reduces the risk of mouth deformities and incorrect tooth alignment.

    When to introduce the training bottle into the child's life?

    It is recommended to introduce the training bottle when the child shows signs of interest in drinking more independently . These signs vary from child to child, but generally, we see a transition around the age of 6 to 9 months .

    It is important to choose a training bottle taking into account their ability to drink independently and their preference for a pouring spout.

    A flexible beak rather than a rigid beak will often be more likely to be accepted.


    Anticipate the purchase of your training bottle by opting for an evolving bottle

    Anticipating the purchase of a training bottle by opting for an evolving bottle is an excellent strategy to support your baby's growth! But what exactly is an evolving bottle?

    Definition of the evolving bottle

    Designed to adapt to the different stages of your child's development, the evolving bottle offers the possibility of being fitted with either a pacifier or a pouring spout .

    The two devices are interchangeable, so you can use the same container for several months and adapt to your baby's growth.

    Elhée's evolving baby bottle: half-bottle, half training cup!

    At Elhée, we offer, in addition to our range of training bottles , a scalable baby bottle, usable from birth ! The spouts of our bottles are compatible with all our baby bottles, whatever the format:

    Save money with a durable and versatile baby bottle

    By opting for a scalable and versatile baby bottle, you not only save time but also money, since you do not have to reinvest in a training cup if you already have an Elhée brand bottle. Practical, right?

    Buying pour spouts is enough!

    This gives great peace of mind ; you have a single versatile bottle , adapted to each stage of your child's development.

    🍒The icing on the cake: your approach is ecological and responsible! By investing in a scalable baby bottle, you are helping to reduce plastic waste linked to the use of multiple baby bottles or training cups.

    In summary

    The training bottle presents a good compromise between the birth bottle and the glass . It provides a smooth transition to using a glass or cup.

    The training bottle's pour spout, sometimes called a leak-proof spout, allows your child to drink without spilling the liquid if the bottle is accidentally dropped or tipped.

    The training bottle also plays a crucial role in the development of young children's autonomy. It is advisable to anticipate its acquisition to offer your child the opportunity to gain independence as soon as he seems ready.

    Promote your child's fine motor skills and psychomotor development without breaking the bank and by adopting a responsible attitude !

    → Opt for a scalable baby bottle from the Elhée range. Our leak-proof suction nozzles, sold in pairs, will easily adapt to your child's bottle to transform it into a training bottle as soon as the time is right!

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