Élhée : la parenthèse lactée - Élhée

Élhée: the milky parenthesis

In 2019, the brand new Élhée brand, guided with gentleness and poetry by its founder Allison Piraud , is revolutionizing the world of French baby bottles. Until now rather conventional and predominantly male, the baby bottle industry is seeing its historical codes shattered under maternal gaze. Traditional baby bottles no longer meet the expectations of demanding parents! The future of the baby bottle will be healthy, sensory and stylish, or it will not be.


From the disenchantment of a mother to the birth of the Round Bib

The birth of a child, despite the anxiety, insomnia, pain and complexity of postpartum, is a unique period in the life of a couple. Every new parent can experience the power of surpassing oneself, the kindness and the absence of limits generated by unconditional love.

A power equal to the disappointment felt by Allison Piraud in the face of the shortcomings of classic baby bottles used to replace breastfeeding for her own children. Glass baby bottles break by definition, while plastic bottles remain controversial from a health point of view and are so unsatisfactory to use.

It is based on this frustrating observation that the woman who is at the origin of the Élhée brand, named after her youngest daughter Éléonore, imagines a new concept. That of an innovative, durable, soft and healthy bottle for babies . In his mind, the physiological bottle inspired by feminine curves was born.

Good nutrition for babies

Infant colic, reflux, quantity of milk absorbed, baby's weight gain, but also harmful materials, too hard or too heavy and debates around bottle feeding, baby feeding raises many questions for new parents.

The objective of the Round Bib is then clearly established: thanks to an avant-garde, healthy design and a unique design, the Élhée baby bottle will be the poetic and airy alternative dedicated to the well-being of babies and the peace of mind of parents .

From the little frozen world of the bottle, Élhée is the (r)evolution

designer and iconic elhee baby bottle

The major manufacturers of baby bottles were men, but in the early 19th century, breastfeeding (artificial and maternal) of babies still remained predominantly a female subject. It was time for things to change. It is through Élhée and thanks to her desire to innovate, to bring bottle-feeding closer to breast-feeding through emotion and to elevate the act of nourishment to the level of a sensory experience , that the metamorphosis has begun.

No more rigid bottles and cylindrical formats, no more random models and basic graphics. Hello to the Bauhaus style , to a delicate and refined design , and to the elegance of a 100% trendy nomadic object , which babies love to handle and parents to carry.

The Round Bib will be round, soft and supple like the nurturing maternal breast. But it will also be free of all harmful substances and perfectly suited to breastfeeding babies.

The goal of a healthy baby bottle with emotional design

elhee baby bottles, healthy, physiological, anti-colic

For a relaxing alternative coupled with a 100% emotional feeding experience , we are focusing on the design of a healthy baby bottle, easy to use, quick to clean and with a sophisticated aesthetic. Equipped with a recognizable design and a powerful sensory imprint , the Round Bib will also be physiological and anti-colic , in order to respond to all the problems.

100% healthy design for trust

This is how Élhée imagines the design and development of her products. This is where medical grade silicone , without bisphenol , phthalate, or any chemical substance, non-allergenic , suitable for food contact , flexible and unbreakable , is adopted for physiological pacifiers and 100% durable Round Bib .

In this regard, the Round Bib , once dietary diversification has begun, can be transformed into a bottle (for water) or a small pot (for compotes and purees) and thus accompany babies' meals for years.

A patented closing ring, for the requirement

As the brand's flagship and iconic product, the Bib Rond benefits from 100% French manufacturing , where high standards compete for first place with efficiency.

Its unique and patented closure system prevents any contact between the milk and any material other than the medical grade silicone used for the bottle, the teat and the sealing disc. The clamping ring, the only plastic element of the bottle, never comes into contact with the milk, neither during preparation nor during feeding.

A unique sensory experience, for emotion

Among the baby's very first landmarks, the nursing breast appears. This is why, for new parents who have chosen to bottle feed or alternate breast and bottle, Élhée imagines a round bottle, in homage to maternal curves, their poetry and their meaning .

Flexible and soft, the medical silicone used for the bottle offers a peach skin feel that effortlessly recalls the texture of the skin under baby's fingers. Thanks to it, the Round Bib has a temperate and grippy surface , it does not slip , can be pressed, scratched or even crushed without suffering. This easy handling makes it usable from the first days, without risk.

Under the gaze, the Bib Rond becomes iconic. Through its curves and softness, it effortlessly recreates the magical bubble of breastfeeding which it extends as a new ambassador of shared breastfeeding . A vibrant tribute to feminine fullness and freedom, the Round Bib presents itself, harmoniously, as an ode to the balance of committed new parenthood .

This is how Élhée sublimates the baby bottle object to elevate it to the level of a sensory experience and give it the sweet name of breastfeeding bottle.

Élhée, the uninhibited alternative for foster parents

the elhee brand, its medical silicone baby bottles and its eco-designed packaging

Too often, design objects are only intended for their beauty. Conversely, the object used owes its quality solely to its practicality. With the Round Bib and today also with the Bubble learning cup, Élhée is taking a step towards the complete object. Healthy, durable and eco-designed, it offers new parents the essential alternative for bottle-feeding, breast-feeding or mixed breastfeeding with complete peace of mind .

A reason for being: offering a healthy and sustainable way of eating

Élhée's mission is to design new healthy and sustainable solutions dedicated to baby nutrition . It is with this objective that the company opted from its birth, for the French manufacture of its products , an establishment in the heart of the Rhône-Alpes region , the use of recycled materials , the intervention of certified industrial partners , the interchangeability and retail sale of its spare parts .

A mission: to celebrate emotional bottle-feeding

Élhée imagines bottle-feeding mindfully and allows parents to share the special moment of feeding. One-on-one or face-to-face, with breast milk or infant formula, everyone can, without reservation, feed their baby. Well beyond the usual questions, bottle feeding is transformed to recreate, with your fingertips, the suspended magic of the milky break .

More parentheses to come…

But that's not all. Because Élhée's ultimate vocation is to re-enchant the daily lives of parents , the story does not end there. From the sensory and anti-colic Round Bib to the physiological pacifier, including Bubble, the learning cup which promotes the autonomy of little ones, the brand evolves from innovation to creation, to soon guide you towards other adventures.

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