- What is osteopathy?
- Is it possible to consult an osteopath from birth?
- How does a pediatric osteopathy session take place?
- What baby ailments can be relieved by osteopathy?
- Should you consult an osteopath specializing in perinatal care?
- Pregnancy and perinatal osteopathy: the right to get better, all the time

As you know, at Élhée our fundamental objective is well-being of babies . And who says well-being, says sufficient and quality sleep, healthy food and quantity, but also serenity.
However, if the birth of a child is one of the few powerful and magical moments of a life, it happens that it is accompanied by small hassles and disorders which can complicate or even ruin the baby's first weeks. Infant colic, sleep disorders, eating disorders or even bronchiolitis may remind you of a few broken nights punctuated by helpless looks.
However, the 21st century and its many advances in health offer different alternatives to young parents seeking to relieve their young child's ailments. Osteopathy is one of them. More precisely , perinatal osteopathy, a holistic discipline, dedicated to the well-being of infants and young (or future) mothers .
To learn more about this 100% natural treatment method based on a deep knowledge of the human body, we had the pleasure of meeting Olivier Darmont , a qualified osteopath specializing in perinatal care . His interview can be found in the IGTV category of our Instagram account Élhée .
What is osteopathy?
Very popular in recent years, osteopathy is more and more often cited as THE solution to many ailments : stress, chronic fatigue, back, abdominal and gynecological pain, migraine, but also functional sterility. The discipline is also cited as a valuable help for preparation for childbirth and infant care .
Non-invasive, osteopathy is a manual and natural treatment technique.
Its goal ? Preserve or restore by different manipulation techniques, the optimal functioning and physical and physiological balance of the body .
For the osteopath, the body is a whole on which the slightest dysfunction can have global repercussions. Thus, the discipline treats — or prevents — pain and functional disorders with the aim of achieving general well-being. The reasons for consultation are therefore numerous and may relate to a problem or discomfort:
- skeletal,
- articular,
- muscular,
- visceral,
- respiratory,
- circulatory
- nervous…
According to Olivier Darmont, osteopathy can be defined as a “therapeutic art which aims to preserve, restore and improve the state of health”
A specialty different from physiotherapy
Sometimes confused - and for good reason, the two disciplines are based on the manipulation of the body with the hands - osteopathy and physiotherapy present distinct and complementary particularities.
As part of a postpartum consultation for example: the osteopath promotes the physical recovery of the young mother after childbirth by restoring mobility to the body and tissues (particularly in the pelvis and pelvic tissues). It thus restores a good operating balance.
The physiotherapist, for his part, intervenes in the rehabilitation and muscle strengthening aspect, for example in the perineum.
From a legal point of view, physiotherapists are health professionals governed by the Health Code. Their actions may be covered by Social Security.
Osteopaths, as independent professionals, provide care that is not reimbursed by Social Security, but is increasingly covered by complementary health insurance.
Is it possible to consult an osteopath from birth?
It is authorized and even recommended! Olivier Darmont has also made a specialty of what he calls “check-ups” of very small babies from 10 or 15 days old. According to him, this first consultation would be the most important and could thus — in the majority of cases, when all goes well — be the only one.
It is important to remember that perinatal osteopathy is a very gentle discipline , far from the contortions and crunches that we tend to imagine. Moreover, the majority of babies appreciate this work carried out for their well-being and many parents to leave osteopathy offices, surprised by the speed of calming of their newborn.
To relieve possible trauma during a difficult birth, many osteopaths now advocate for a pediatric osteopathic consultation from the first days of life .
How does a pediatric osteopathy session take place?

To find out in detail what to expect when you go to your first appointment with a baby osteopath, sit comfortably on the sofa with a coffee, connect to the bibRond Élhée Instagram account and let yourself be carried away by the words and passion of Olivier Darmont. He is still the one who talks best about his profession.
Here is a condensed version of his explanations. Rest assured, a perinatal appointment with the osteopath is neither complex nor traumatic, quite the contrary.
Exchange time
It all starts with a dialogue with the parent(s) present. If you were not followed before and during your pregnancy, this is the time for you to talk about the last 9 months and talk about your birth , how it took place, but also how you experienced it. Bring as many items as you have such as your medical file, obstetric follow-up file and your health record.
Baby Observation Time
It is now the baby's turn to “talk” with his osteopath. In a lying position he is relaxed. His body and his natural posture then give numerous indications to the specialist. Olivier Darmont told us here to start with the lower body — small feet wide open, knees mobile, pelvis in the axis, density of the stomach — then go up towards the shoulders, the arms and the skull, scrutinizing at each moment, the breathing, mobility, flexibility and harmony of each area and the body in its entirety.
Handling time
After having carried out the classic clinical tests to find out if the little one is in good health and if he can take care of him, the baby osteopath carries out his osteopathic assessment which relates to the general balance of the newborn. It identifies what is “ blocked, tight, unbalanced or not in place” and, using different always gentle techniques, releases fixation points, relieves tension and promotes tissue relaxation for good growth.
Following this first perinatal consultation, a therapeutic plan can be implemented according to the infant's needs. At the same time, the effects of the first appointment do not take long to be felt, often within the hours that follow for very young babies.
Ideally, a follow-up consultation will be held at the time of dietary diversification (around 5 months) in order to check the correct placement of the diaphragm, the esophagus, the proper functioning of the stomach and to rule out any risk. colic.
Each major stage of your child's life, their first steps or later the start of their schooling, will be opportunities to meet your osteopath again.
Olivier Darmont's advice :
“ We all have our abilities to digest manipulation. Newborns have a much faster digestion capacity. A baby who is feeling better can instantly relax and show more significant well-being and more peaceful sleep very early on. »
What baby ailments can be relieved by osteopathy?
Osteopathy is therefore not a magical science. It draws its roots from age-old teachings and its popularity from the relief and well-being felt by patients. But what about the newborn? What ailments, disorders and tensions can be relieved by a perinatal osteopathy session for babies?
GERD (gastroesophageal reflux) is characterized by a rise in the bolus relatively quickly after eating a meal. This problem, well known to pediatricians, can be due to immaturity of the digestive system, but also to a mechanical problem linked to the diaphragm or the valve located at the junction between the esophagus and the stomach. Sometimes complicated to manage, food reflux causes tears, pain and worry for parents.
Osteopathy is indicated for check that there is no pressure, no blockage, which would cause digestion difficulties .
A change of milk for bottle-fed babies, the use of suitable teats such as the physiological teat, or slightly elevating the young child's head in bed can also help.
Sucking difficulties
If breastfeeding is a real moment of tenderness and privileged intimacy between a mother and her baby, it can happen that its implementation is complicated by certain position difficulties, or latching on.
A visit to the osteopath can help you relieve your guilt and better understand the situation. After checking for any physical concerns such as a tight tongue tie, the therapist will observe your infant and determine, for example, if he or she can open your mouth sufficiently , if the mobility of his head is sufficient to adopt a comfortable position and if the sucking reflex is well installed.
To make it easier to latch on, try different breastfeeding positions (cradle, riding, lying on your side, etc.) and place a few drops of milk on your nipple, but above all, give yourself all the time you need.
Are you switching to a bottle? Combine your milk – or the infant milk of your choice – with bibROND Élhée . Thanks to its rounded design and soft texture, it awakens the senses and offers a real alternative for more peaceful meals.
Infant colic
From the first weeks of life, colic in infants can set in. At the end of the day and at bedtime, baby cries a lot, his face is red, he is tense... everything about him indicates severe pain.
An osteopathy session — always carried out gently — can unblock the infant's intestine and pelvis allowing better placement and optimal functioning of the digestive organs.
Here too, a change of milk or the adoption of anti-colic teats can be beneficial. A new session can also be scheduled at the time of dietary diversification for a free and unconstrained stomach.
Sleeping troubles
In infants, sleep disorders have varied origins and are not always easy to identify. Colic, constipation, ENT pain, stiff neck, discomfort when lying down... After a period of careful observation and using slow and delicate movements, the perinatal osteopath, by handling the baby, will be able to provide him with a significant and lasting relief .
Plagiocephaly — or flat head syndrome — can be seen on one side or back of a baby's skull. It sets in at the time of childbirth in the event of difficulties during the passage, can be a consequence of the use of instruments (spatulas, forceps, suction cups, etc.) or of a preference of the child for one side or another, be linked to infant torticollis or even result from a significant amount of time spent on the back.
Here again, by gentle and safe manipulations , the osteopath will be able to prevent and correct cranial dysfunctions and associated torticollis if it exists , for better balance of the infant's corn.
Since 1994, the High Authority of Health has recommended putting newborns to sleep on their back, in order to considerably reduce the risk of sudden infant death. However, during the day it is important to stimulate them to wake them up, but also to avoid the appearance of plagiocephaly.
In this regard, babywearing is a solution increasingly favored by specialists and parents for its practicality and multiple benefits. In his carrying sling, baby is in movement, close to you and constantly stimulated. The vertical position is also an important factor for better digestion, good breathing and head posture work.
Finally, carrying a baby offers a gentle transition after childbirth and its 9 months of mother/child fusion, as well as a good alternative to back sleeping and therefore, a ready-made solution to flat head syndrome.
From birth to 15 kg, Studio Romeo offers, for example, physiological baby slings made from 100% organic cotton. Enough to prolong the bond created in utero by the practice of skin to skin.
Every year, bronchiolitis brings many parents and babies to the doors of pediatric emergencies. Also, there is a great debate as to the best way to treat this respiratory condition with sometimes impressive symptoms.
Rehabilitation with a physiotherapist is one of them. However, to facilitate the work, the osteopath can be consulted in advance. His intervention will allow a better breathing of the baby , through release of tensions installed in the diaphragm .
Olivier Darmont's advice :
“ In osteopathy we treat a person, we do not treat a symptom. The consultation rhythm is therefore dependent patient, dependent infant. However, by consulting twice a year, you improve your health and engage in intelligent prevention. »
Should you consult an osteopath specializing in perinatal care?
When choosing your practitioner, the most important thing is the trust you place in them. Have confidence in their skills and choices. All osteopaths are able to offer a quality session to an infant. If this is not the case, the right professional will be able to recommend you to a more competent or specialized colleague.
Likewise, listen to your feelings and those of your baby. If you are not comfortable enough, if you do not agree with what the osteopath you consult says or does, or if your baby cannot relax, change offices until to find the right person.
Pregnancy and perinatal osteopathy: the right to get better, all the time

As a perinatal osteopath, Olivier Darmont kindly – and effectively – enlightened us on the practice of a therapeutic specialty that deserves to be known. According to him, osteopathy offers everyone the “right to get better” at any time, and especially when a woman is pregnant. You can therefore consult an osteopath specialized in perinatal care before, during and after your pregnancy .
Beforehand, discuss your desire to have children with him or her. Perinatal osteopathy can be part of the solutions to combat infertility and beneficial support throughout, for example, an IVF (in vitro fertilization) protocol.
During pregnancy, a good consultation schedule can be one appointment for each ultrasound with a last consultation approximately 1 month before the expected term, for good preparation for childbirth.
Finally, postpartum osteopathy is of great help in particular to promote good physical recovery, prevent the adhesion of scars in the event of a cesarean section, promote the return of each organ to its place, find harmonious support, rebalance the center of gravity… Your first appointment can take place from 15 days to 1 month following an uncomplicated physiological birth.
Also, never forget that the osteopath is entirely at your service . In the event of a difficult or traumatic birth, after an emergency cesarean section... it is entirely possible to avoid certain painful areas initially.
After this wonderful interview for which we again warmly thank Olivier Darmont, in our opinion, perinatal osteopathy should be systematically recommended, what do you think?
Photo credits:
Olivier Darmont – Pexel – Unsplash and Constance Bonnotte , professional photographer for the featured image.