Rencontre avec Jeanne Dieuzaide, maman de Roméo et Louise - Élhée

Meeting with Jeanne Dieuzaide, mother of Roméo and Louise

Jeanne is the happy mother of 2 children, Roméo and Louise. But she is also the creator of Studio Roméo, a brand of baby carriers that needs no introduction! Without knots or straps, Studio Roméo baby carriers are incredibly practical and revolutionize the daily lives of young parents!

In this portrait Jeanne talks to us about her life as an entrepreneurial mother, her busy daily life and the relationship she has with her children.

Mom and her children

Hello Jeanne, can you introduce us to your lovely family?

I am originally from Toulouse and have lived in Annecy for several years. I am the mother of Romeo, 6 ½ years old, and Louise, almost 5 years old.

Was becoming a mother an obvious choice for you?

Not really. I was working at the time in an international NGO and I was traveling a lot... Motherhood was not at all a field that appealed to me ... until you said to yourself that maybe it's the time ;). I had a GEU (editor's note: Ectopic gestation) before Romeo which really upset me and my husband but I quickly became pregnant again and Romeo arrived in September 2013.

You breastfed your children for several months, how did you
lived this experience?

Magnificently good . I especially loved what many people don't like: the nights . I found them magical. Magical to share this suspended moment. Magical like alone in the world with my baby, both of us awake when everyone is asleep and everything is calm ... I really loved it and that's probably what I miss the most!

Mom lying with her children

What kind of mother are you? Chicken? Cool? Rather strict?

A hybrid mom between the cool and strict mom. Let's say I give them enough space to be themselves, which gives me enough space to be myself and continue to do things for me and not always according to them... And the rules are fine clear: they know that at 3 I turn into a momster.

What relationship do you have with your children?

Accomplice and confidante, above all I try to be a good model because as Mother Teresa said: “Don't worry if your children don't listen to you... They observe you every day”.

Mom in front of a store

The ritual you never break?

There aren't always stories in the evening... but always a kiss!

What does a day as a mom entrepreneur look like?

I don't have a typical day: the only thing they have in common is that they are all very busy ! I do an initial sorting of emails in the morning around 7 a.m. before everyone gets up. Then, the day goes by, I rarely take a lunch break, and I go running almost every day around 4/5 p.m. before picking up my children from school. I sometimes work evenings and weekends , but when you love you don't count.

Your dreams for the future?

Continue to live a rich and fulfilled life!

Jeanne Dieuzaide on a staircase
Chinese portrait:
If you were…
A guilty pleasure? Never guilty!

A childhood memory? My grandmother's nettle soup

A children's book? AAAA Sneezy by Philip C. Stead
A romantic movie? The English patient

A monument? The Rodin Museum

A timeless piece in your wardrobe? B oyfriend jean

An intoxicating smell? My perfume Rem de Reminiscence – the smell of vacation!

A dream destination?
Flores in Indonesia
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