From the moment of birth, baby takes the breast or the bottle (both if you opt for mixed breastfeeding) to feed himself. As he grows up, his needs and abilities become more refined and push him to explore more and more the possibilities available to him. The learning cup is one of them. Quickly, this clever accessory designed to help babies make the transition from bottle to glass, becomes a means of acquiring the beginnings of autonomy. But then, to get it right, at what age should you start the training cup and how do you know if your baby is ready to adopt it?
The ideal age to start drinking from a cup
As parents, a thousand and one questions always push us further into thinking about the well-being of our child. What does he need ? What does he want? Is this a good time to learn this or this?
Of course, whatever the learning process, it is essential to respect your baby's rhythm and his requests . Also, if he shows great curiosity about something new or an object like the learning cup, it would be a shame to frustrate him.
At Élhée, we recommend to start the bottle-glass transition, to wait until the age of 6 months, that of dietary diversification and therefore, the introduction of water. At this age, babies also begin to sit up and grasp objects with their hands : two prerequisites for independence.
How do I know if my child is ready for the learning cup?
Does your little one hold his head up on his own, is able to grab an object, coordinate his hand/mouth movements and is curious about the way you drink? It is very likely that he is ready to alternately use containers other than his bottle to drink from.
7 criteria for choosing a training cup

There are many models of baby cups on the market. With straw or beak, they all have their advantages. However, Élhée chose to focus on comfort of use, baby safety and innovation to create Bubble.
A baby learning cup, neither too big nor too small
Bubble is ergonomic enough that a baby from 6 months old can handle it alone, but also large enough to be useful. This advantage is due not only to its unique shape , the same as that of the iconic BibROND, but also to the flexibility and anti-slip texture of its material.
Healthy and risk-free preparation for babies
The medical grade silicone from which Bubble and its suction nozzle are made is 100% healthy for babies, free of any chemical substances , tasteless , odorless and flexible enough to make using the cup very comfortable.
Soft and happy colors, appreciated by children
Because babies are born with limited vision, they initially only perceive contrasts like black and white. That's why we created the Sand/Black Learning Cup .
And because over the months colors and shades appear, we have added the Sand/Kaki and Sand/Blue models, without forgetting the Graouu pattern, for a learning cup capable of taking part in the most beautiful evening stories .
A leak-proof suction nozzle
To adapt to babies from 6 months, Bubble does not have a spout through which the water flows, but an anti-leak suction spout that is sufficiently airtight to avoid spills and spills, even at night . Like a pacifier, the child must suck to drink and therefore does not need to tilt his head back. This also reduces the risk of going the wrong way.
Sufficient capacity to hydrate
For a learning cup that is neither too heavy to carry nor too quickly finished, the medium 240 ml format was chosen. However, Élhée presents her best tip to you! The elements of the Bubble bottle are compatible with those of the BibROND . You can imagine a baby cup of 150 ml, 240 ml, but also 330 ml, simply by combining the bottle of your choice with a suction spout.
An easy-to-clean learning cup
Even if baby uses it mainly to drink water, the training cup must be easy to clean in order to avoid the proliferation of bacteria. If Bubble goes easily in the dishwasher , it is also perfectly suited to quick hand washing without accessories.
Security as a supreme asset
No small parts , no controversial ingredients and an unbreakable silicone material: these are the 3 advantages of safety, security and tranquility of the training cup for babies from 6 months, signed Élhée.
Learning to drink like a grown-up: the different stages
Each discovery through different stages. For your baby, it's about touching first, then accepting, then trying then using.
The discovery of the drinking cup : baby discovers its shape and colors. He can look at it, touch it, put it in his mouth, roll it, fall or throw it, to experience it in three dimensions.
Familiarization with this new container : if he does not yet know how to use it or even what it is for, baby recognizes and accepts the cup as a now familiar object that you have already presented to him.
Learning to drink independently : the time for the first attempts to drink alone has arrived. His water bottle may still escape him, but baby is definitely determined to use it.
Autonomy thanks to the leak-proof cup : that's it, baby is able to drink on his own like a grown-up, and perhaps also remove the cap from his Bubble or take it everywhere on his adventures.
5 tips to help your child transition from bottle to cup
Even if the learning cup is entirely designed to support babies' learning of independence, do not hesitate to guide your child to make the task easier. Advice also valid in the event of small difficulties, to avoid major frustrations.
Start early , from 6 months, to vary containers and habits.
Give small amounts of water first to avoid the risk of misdirection and overflowing.
Encourage your child and stay positive . Babies (like adults) are very sensitive to enthusiasm (even overwhelming).
Always be gentle and patient . Whatever the learning in progress, cuddles and the absence of pressure as well as a caring approach are always beneficial.
Make this experience a game with catchy songs, sensory activities or mimicry.
How to help a baby who has difficulty drinking?
Each child has their own rhythm. Thus, a baby may encounter difficulties with certain learning and none with others. Difficulties that you can help him overcome.
Hold the cup, tumbler or bottle : too heavy, slippery or unwieldy, an ill-suited container may fall or tip over. Here, soft silicone, its easily grippable side and its grip effect offer an answer. To help baby, you can show him how to hold with both hands and start by only giving him his new glass for short periods.
Drink without spilling : if you notice that your baby is spilling his water with his current cup, try the leak-proof suction spout. To drink, your child will have to suck, which will help him to control his movements and avoid small accidents. To help, encourage him to drink more slowly.
Getting used to new sensations : your baby may find using a rigid container strange or unpleasant. Here again, the unique shape of the Bubble learning cup, its flexibility and its suction spout make it a gentle and easy-to-adopt alternative. To help him, let him explore the different possibilities, positions or rhythms for drinking like a grown-up.
These small temporary problems can have several causes and quite simply find their origin in your child's refusal to change his habits. When in doubt, explore these possibilities first:
A change brought too soon : the training cup is recommended from 6 months, but, because each child has his own rhythm, its use may still be premature for yours.
Hand-eye coordination still in its infancy : your child may not yet have acquired enough fine motor skills to hold his cup and drink at the same time.
Discovering and using the training cup is an important step for your baby. It's a proud moment for him, but also for you . To support it, start early - from 6 months - by giving small quantities of water. Encourage your baby in his attempts and always be patient. Also, don't forget that all learning is a game. Beside your baby, take your cup and drink. Laughter, mimicry and lovely memories guaranteed!
Finally, if he encounters difficulties, don't worry. Try to understand the cause and adapt your approach accordingly. Thanks to your love and support, your baby will soon be able to drink from a cup like a grown-up.