Tasse d’apprentissage silicone : comment favoriser le développement de la motricité fine ? - Élhée

Silicone learning cup: how to promote the development of fine motor skills?

Discover in this article from the Elhée blog the power of the silicone learning cup! And how it can help you develop your child's fine motor skills .

On the program: discovery of the key stages in the development of this essential skill, as well as recommended activities to stimulate its full potential.

Then, we will explore in detail the revolutionary role of the learning cup in empowering toddlers. Ready? Let's go.


What is fine motor skills?

Fine motor skills refer to the coordination and control of the small muscles in the hands, fingers and wrists, enabling precise and delicate movements. It involves the ability to manipulate objects , use “tools”, write, draw, button clothes, do puzzles and any activity requiring fine coordination.

It is therefore different from gross motor skills, which refers to the coordination and control of the large muscles of the body for larger, more general movements, such as walking, running, jumping and climbing.

The stages of fine motor skills

The stages of fine motor skills can vary from one child to another depending on the progress of their development, but here are the main stages that we identify:

  • Palmar grip

During the first months of life, infants have instinctive palmar grasping, where they squeeze objects in their palm. For example, if you slide your index finger into the heart of his little hand, you will notice a very strong gripping reflex from birth!

  • Gripping with pliers

Around 9 to 12 months of age, babies begin to develop what is called a pincer grasp. They then use their thumb and index finger to grasp objects more precisely , like an adult or an older child, without succeeding in grasping the object they covet on each attempt. . These failures can also lead to frustration or anger... This is completely normal, rest assured!

  • hand-eye coordination

Throughout childhood, children learn to coordinate their eye movements and hand movements. “Aiming” is for example a hand-eye coordination action that we apply every day without even realizing it…

  • You have learned to aim to throw a piece of paper in the trash.
  • You aim when you tie your laces.
  • You also aim for the handle with your hand when you open a door.

These actions, although natural, require much greater effort for a baby! They require a certain mastery which is acquired over time and learning.

  • Fine movement control

As children grow, they gain better coordination of the small muscles in their hands, allowing them to perform increasingly delicate and precise activities. Soon, yours too will be able to uncork a bottle or insert a key in a lock! Obviously, this increase in skills is accompanied by even greater vigilance on the part of parents...

motor skills-bubble-gourd-learning-elhee

Fine motor goals

The objectives of fine motor skills are multiple. Working on this on a daily basis by creating a conducive environment , for example by equipping yourself with suitable equipment and allowing your baby to move around alone and in safety (Montessori pedagogy), makes it possible in particular to develop hand-eye coordination.

Fine motor activities also help strengthen the muscles of the hands, fingers and wrists, which is important for actions such as writing, manipulating objects, cutting, pasting, etc.

By developing fine motor skills, children acquire skills that allow them to be more independent in their daily activities.

Activities that develop fine motor skills

Among the best-known activities for developing fine motor skills, we can cite:

  • Puzzles and construction games,
  • Drawing, painting and coloring,
  • Cutting with scissors suitable for toddlers,
  • Modeling clay or salt dough,
  • Transfer games (rice, corn, pearl, sand, leaf, etc.) under the supervision of an adult,
  • The creation of pearl necklaces,
  • Etc.

All of these activities are, in a way, leisure activities that you can offer your baby to develop their fine motor skills in a fun and disguised way.

But did you know that many everyday actions also play an important role? For example, you can encourage your child to button and unbutton their clothes when getting dressed. Or offer to put on his shoes without your help. Or even invite him to eat and drink alone like a grown-up!

The silicone learning cup develops the child's fine motor skills and their autonomy

When it comes to drinking, the training cup is a precious ally that allows your little one to smoothly transition between the bottle and the glass.

A silicone training cup is soft and easy to grip

Silicone is a very flexible and malleable material which therefore allows the cup to be held very easily without it slipping. Practical for your baby's little hands who can pick up their learning cup on their own and thus develop their dexterity.

Baby can use a silicone training cup without adult help

Some training cups can be used without adult intervention. If it has a leak-proof spout, baby will be able to drink alone, for example in bed or during a stroller ride, without being soaked from head to toe.

In addition, a learning cup, if made of silicone, will not break if it falls and therefore does not risk injuring your child.

Using a silicone training cup is safe for your baby

At Elhée, we invite you to discover silicone baby bottles and training cups, all guaranteed to be free of plastic microparticles , making them a safe choice for your baby.

All our products are as flexible as they are soft! They will protect your little one's sensitive gums by offering them the best possible comfort.

Elhee Bubble learning cup

In summary

  • The learning cup plays an important role in the development of fine motor skills . Working on fine motor skills is essential for improving coordination and control of small muscles in children. This allows them to execute more precise movements and gain skill.

  • Certain activities, such as coloring or simply learning to dress yourself, help to further develop fine motor skills. In the same way as the chosen equipment. A silicone learning cup, for example, is very effective in improving babies' autonomy and teaching them to act alone without the help of a loved one.

  • The flexibility and ease of adhesion of a learning cup made of silicone are ideal for little hands. In addition, these little bottles are guaranteed BPA and phthalate free.

→ Thank you for reading this article!

Find our online store and let yourself be tempted by our silicone learning cup Bubble.

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