Plus d’accouchements pendant la pleine lune ? Ce que dit la science de ce mystère - Élhée

More births during the full moon? What science says about this mystery

What if the approach of the full moon caused your chances of giving birth to skyrocket? The Moon has always been surrounded by mysteries and superstitions, particularly linked to femininity. One of these beliefs would be that the nocturnal star triggers childbirth, sometimes even premature. But then what happens? What does science say? Do you really have a better chance of seeing your baby born that evening, or not?


No more full moon births, but where does this belief come from?

Since the start of your pregnancy, you have heard many stories about your unborn child. Eating saltier would increase the chances of having a boy . A pregnancy belly worn pointed would indicate a girl to come. Sleeping on your stomach could be dangerous for your baby ... But have you ever been told that full moon evenings promote the onset of many deliveries?

Historically and according to many cultures, mainly because a female menstrual cycle lasts on average 28 days and a lunar cycle extends over 29 days , menstruation, fertility and lunar phases are closely linked . For centuries, shamans, priestesses and healers have observed the star when giving birth to a child, thinking that the gravitational attraction exerted by the Moon - at the origin of the tides - could also cause a rupture of the sac water , and therefore lead to an increase in the number of deliveries on these nights.

Lithotherapy, for its part, advises women wanting motherhood to wear a moonstone around their neck.

Between Moon and fertility, a story of women, energy and cycles

Since the dawn of time, women have observed and celebrated the cycles of the Moon , intimately associating them with their own biological rhythms , their strengths and particularly fertility . The imagination of witchcraft is also filled with witches invoking the Moon and its powers . So many beliefs and symbols that reinforce and carry the mystical link between lunar cycles and femininity to the present day.

  • Does harmonization of the woman's menstrual cycle with the lunar cycles exist?

While it is true that the two cycles have similar durations, the female cycle is influenced by many genetic, hormonal and environmental factors, which makes it very different from one woman to another and even over time. Furthermore, the scientific work carried out so far has not resulted in any obvious direct link. Thus, the study carried out by Claude Gronfier , from the CRNL (Lyon Neuroscience Research Center), indicates a possible but weak synchronicity , which requires confirmation.

  • Lunar symbolism in representations of fertility and motherhood

Since ancient times, the Moon has been associated with femininity, fertility, the cycles of life, different deities and therefore, menstrual cycles and pregnancy . This powerful symbolism has endured through the centuries and continues to influence the collective imagination.

  • Can lunar attraction have an effect on amniotic fluid?

Interesting, the idea according to which the lunar force of attraction could influence the pocket of water in the same way as on the ocean, is however not scientifically founded , in particular because the body of the pregnant woman effectively protects the baby, notably gravitational variations.

A peak in births when the Moon is full? No conclusive statistics

In this area, the most detailed study was carried out by J ill M. Arliss, Erin N. Kaplan, Shelley L. Galvin by studying more than 560,000 births between 1997 and 2001 , or 62 lunar cycles .

No significant differences in the number of births , method of delivery , or complications of delivery could be observed, regardless of the current lunar phase. Therefore, the full moon does not influence the number of births , whether spontaneous births, premature births or cesarean sections.

At the end of the 1970s, a Spanish study reached more or less the same conclusion. The moon cycle demonstrated no influence on the birth rate during the period studied (between 1974 and 1978).

💡 Please note: if hormones such as oxytocin, prostaglandins and estrogens play a central role in the induction of labor, it must be admitted that not all aspects are yet known, thus encouraging the anchoring of various beliefs such as the influence of the Moon on the rate of childbirth.

Why, as a mother-to-be, it's tempting to believe it

Like everything that we don't really understand and which remains a little mysterious, it is natural to want to believe that an event as mysterious as the birth of a child could be linked to a celestial body as fascinating and secret as the Moon.

The idea that childbirth is more frequent on nights of a full moon is anchored in our collective imagination . If you know several mothers who gave birth on a full moon evening then you will automatically think that there is a connection. A cognitive bias called confirmation bias , which pushes us to favor information confirming our beliefs and which explains why the legend is so tenacious, even without scientific proof.

How to calculate and predict your baby's date of birth?

Of course, you can count the moons and bet on your baby being born during one of them. But, for a more reliable and, above all, more precise count, rely instead on the DPA (Expected Date of Delivery) announced by your gynecologist. To obtain it, the calculation is simple: to the last date of appearance of your last period, add 41 weeks .

Also remember that at the time of your first prenatal ultrasound , the cranio-caudal length of the fetus will be measured , thus giving you an accurate due date.

💟 Do you already know when baby will be born? Remember to equip yourself! Bottles, pacifiers, cradle, stroller, bodysuits or diapers, you need equipment to welcome a child. At Élhée, with our collections 100% dedicated to your child, we offer you the opportunity to do so with beauty and health.

The effects of the Moon on our body: beyond childbirth

Mood swings, difficulty falling asleep, the appearance of the werewolf, an increase in the number of accidents or news items... full moon nights are accused of awakening all evils.

Our biological clock , for example, is sensitive to many factors including solar but also lunar luminosity , which could be associated with lighter sleep and/or difficulty falling asleep .

The lunar phases could also be associated with variations in mood and energy or with heightened emotions , however this link remains unclear. The impact of the full moon would be rather indirect and linked to other factors such as circadian rhythms, hormones or individual beliefs.

We cannot therefore say that childbirths are more numerous during the full moon, just as it is very difficult to establish causality between full moon and insomnia or irritability. However, in the common imagination, through popular beliefs, but also in films, series and fantastic stories, the Moon has and will undoubtedly always maintain a powerful and unique aura surrounded by legends and mysteries.

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