Grossesse et fatigue : 5 idées pour vous rebooster ! - Élhée

Pregnancy and fatigue: 5 ideas to give you a boost!

In the first and third trimesters, pregnancy and fatigue go hand in hand , nothing could be more normal. If this is your case, as long as this fatigue does not affect your state of health, there is no need to worry. However, baby needs you to be in great shape at least as much as you do. This is why we have put together a little recipe that is easy to follow, enough to limit the impact of fatigue on a daily basis and make the most of your maternity months.

1st trimester fatigue vs 3rd trimester fatigue

Being pregnant doesn't mean being tired all the time, but it's better to admit it to yourself, being tired often . Fortunately, future mothers happily benefit from little care and attention from those around them. However, fatigue becomes intense and sometimes irresistible. This is especially the case in the first and last trimesters, but for different reasons.

In the first trimester: “Stupor and Tremor”

From a physiological point of view, the first trimester is that of major upheavals . From the first days of pregnancy and implantation - even though you do not yet know that you are pregnant - your body to ensure the future of the pregnancy - begins to secrete certain hormones in large quantities. Among them, progesterone . It's its calming and sedative effect that suddenly makes you want to go to bed early.

On the other hand, changes in blood sugar/insulin lead to moments of sudden fatigue during the day and unpleasant hypoglycemia. At the same time, your body uses more energy.

Nausea and vomiting , when they exist, add to your exhaustion. This is due to the physical effort required and the fact that you do not keep what you absorb. Let's take a minute here to think of all the mothers-to-be who suffer from this throughout their pregnancy. Courage to them!

Finally, and because it is one of the biggest shocks of a lifetime even when it is desired and expected, the repercussions of the news of an upcoming pregnancy also adds its dose of psychological fatigue.

In the third trimester: “Sleepless night”

During the last three months of pregnancy, the fatigue becomes more physical and psychological than hormonal. From the 7th month, baby is growing and gaining weight more and more quickly . Its weight pulls on your back and makes your lower back painful . Added to this unpleasant feeling is that of heavy legs, caused by slowed blood circulation. Prolonged standing begins to be difficult.

The nights are also difficult. Between nighttime cramps, cravings, frequent urges to urinate and the discomfort of a position that is increasingly complicated to find even with a pregnancy pillow, you turn over and wake up without being able to get any rest.

THE stress of childbirth approaching, the questions that overlap, the fear of pain, but also the excitement of an upcoming meeting with your little baby , do not help your brain to relax.

The rest of the time, acid reflux , sometimes accompanied by bloating and epigastric pain, burdens you a little more.

Eh yes ! The second trimester is therefore that of vitality, the one where you feel beautiful and good in your body. Enjoy it 100%! And the rest of the time, follow our few tips, designed to support you and reboost you.

Sleep as much as you want, for regeneration

Whenever you can, sleep! At night of course, try to adopt a regular rhythm if your schedule allows it. If you are tired, go to bed early every night , on weekends stay in bed later in the morning and treat yourself to naps without counting . Bottle feeding, breastfeeding or mixed breastfeeding will soon take over your sleep. Although rest doesn't keep, a down payment is always nice to take.

Did you know ? Even a quick 15-minute nap can bring you real comfort. Have you slept 2 hours or more and are worried about your night? Don't worry, you'll probably sleep very well too and maybe even go to bed earlier than your partner!

More light and tasty meals, for vitamins

During pregnancy, your body has new needs complemented by those of the baby you are carrying. It is therefore advisable to adopt a healthy diet, rich in vitamins, fiber and minerals , sufficient to provide you both with the necessary nutrients.

Fatigue can also be explained by a possible iron deficiency , also called anemia. Since it is quite common among women, take the lead by consuming red meat , poultry and fish regularly , they have the advantage of being rich in iron, but also in vitamin B9 and B12 . Whole grains , legumes and green vegetables are also great, as are fresh eggs and all the fruits you like.

If you are prone to nausea and vomiting, varying your meals may be more difficult. In this case, find the foods rich in iron, fiber and vitamins that you tolerate best, and eat them as soon as possible. They are a real help to fight against exhaustion.

Exercise regularly, but without forcing, for vitality

The idea may seem surprising if you are not a daily sporty person, but Moving and practicing regular physical activity helps you feel less tired . If you live in the city, sports classes are often reserved for pregnant women and adapted to their needs. You can also find dozens of them on YouTube. In addition, they are adapted to your pregnancy term.

Also note that physical exercise helps you fight against cramps, the feeling of heavy legs and allows you to better manage weight gain over the months. Also, it frees the mind and relieves stress , two of the most beneficial effects, not only for pregnant women.

Depending on the progress of your pregnancy and your current shape, treat yourself to swimming or aquagym, prenatal yoga or Pilates, flat walking or cycling. You can also ask your doctor, gynecologist or midwife for advice to find the most suitable activity.

A vacation please! For the pleasure of enjoying

It is undoubtedly one of the greatest pleasures of a pregnancy that is going well, that of taking your time to appreciate each change, each new detail, all the sensations caused by the installation of a little being in your body. You probably remember his first movements, because babies often decide to move when you stop.

That's the whole secret. If you can, free up some time before your maternity leave. Take RTTs , days of rest , accumulate your vacations for the current year ... See with your gynecologist what can be done. Taking the time to enjoy allows you to arrange your schedule according to your needs and your appointments, to respect your biological clock and to rest at any time.

In France, maternity leave lasts 16 weeks including 6 weeks of prenatal leave (before the expected due date) and 10 weeks of postnatal leave. From the third child, this leave is increased to 26 weeks and up to 46 weeks in the event of multiple births.

Relaxation the way you like it

You were practicing relaxation exercises before getting pregnant, don't stop! Prenatal yoga, meditation, sophrology, tai chi , gentle massages … All these gentle exercises are good for the body and mind, especially when they are subject to big changes as is the case when a woman is expecting a child.

Group lessons, online lessons, private lessons, or solo practice quietly installed at home alone with a friend, it's according to your feelings and your desires. Whatever happens, if possible, choose a time when the house is quiet and even empty, when you are not likely to be disturbed . Ask your partner or a parent to pick up the kids from school if necessary, but give yourself that time for yourself and your baby . Prenatal relaxation promotes physical relaxation and mental rest , repels fatigue , reduces stress , soothes the minor ailments of pregnancy and allows you to communicate very early with your child. Also think about perinatal osteopathy , for a complete and attentive approach.

Also discover haptonomy. Halfway between a relaxation method and preparation for childbirth, this communication technique through touch offers the first exchanges to amazed parents with their baby. The undisputed advantage? Dad can participate too!

Pregnancy and fatigue: delegate, don’t hesitate!

The idea may seem obvious and yet; pregnant and tired, do not hesitate to delegate any tasks that seem complicated or difficult to you. You carry life within you and nothing is more precious than that .

If the world of work, your employer or your clients do not always understand the new priority that is your little baby, your spouse, your parents, your brothers and sisters and even your older children can.

You may need to explain and even repeat, but if delegating will allow you to rest, appreciate the moment, relax and enjoy a pregnancy that ultimately won't last that long, do it. . Your body will thank you!

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