Quelle taille de biberon choisir pour bébé ? - Élhée

What size bottle should I choose for baby?

It's not just size that matters, they say. In this case, it's not entirely fair when it comes to choosing your child's bottle.

The choice of bottle of course depends on many other criteria:

  • Weight,
  • Matter,
  • Shape,
  • Design…

But size matters a lot ! It is also sometimes much more difficult to understand. While it is obvious that this depends on the age of the child, it is however less simple to know when the transition between the different formats should take place.


The size of the bottle is first decided based on age

Choosing the size of the bottle for your baby is an important decision that evolves with his age and nutritional needs. Choosing the right bottle size means above all ensuring that your child receives the appropriate quantity of milk to support his growth and development.

The size recommendations in the table below will allow you to understand at a glance which bottle to choose, depending on the age of your baby:

Age of Baby

Bottle Size



0-3 months


3-6 months


6-9 months

240ml -330ml

9-12 months


12 months and over


The size of the bottle also depends on your child's developmental stage.

The size of the bottle not only depends on your baby's age, but also on their stage of development.

The bigger the bottle, the heavier it is!

An important factor to consider is your child's fine motor skills .

Remember that fine motor skills involve the precise use and coordination of the small muscles of the hands and fingers, a crucial skill when it comes to manipulating objects (such as a baby bottle…😉).

However, the larger the bottle, the heavier it is, and therefore difficult to hold . A bottle that is too large can be uncomfortable for a younger baby, whose fine motor skills are not yet well developed. The conditions of his meal may thus be slightly degraded.

Small or moderately sized bottles will be easier to handle for babies who do not yet have enough strength and a good ability to grasp objects.

The larger the bottle, the more milk it delivers at one time.

The size of the bottle is closely related to the amount of milk it can hold.

If baby has a big appetite , a small bottle may no longer be suitable because it will require you, on the one hand, to make several preparations to satisfy baby, which may, on the other hand, cause frustration problems and you waste time as a parent.

However, be careful not to opt for a bottle that is too large.

We advise not to exceed 350 ml . Beyond that, the risks of waste are higher, as few children drink so much milk at once! If this is the case, it may be time to move on to a format other than the bottle…

Like the learning cup!

📘 Read also: Which learning cup should I choose for my baby? 

The size of the bottle and its impact on the price

It is clear that a larger bottle will also be more expensive than its smaller versions. 💰 However, if you are reluctant to invest in a large bottle because of the price it may represent, know that your large bottle will actually last longer than a small bottle.

You will be able to benefit from its use for at least more than a year , from the age of 9 months until your baby starts school. A very profitable investment, in short!

In summary

Choosing the right size bottle and the right format is no easy task. Arbitration must be made based on different criteria:

  • Age , of course;
  • But also its stage of development , including:
    • Children's fine motor skills
    • And his natural appetite.

Price should not be a barrier, as larger bottles are often more cost-effective in the long term . However, it is important to start at the beginning, by first equipping yourself with a 150 ml bottle for the birth of your baby, then slowly transitioning to a 240 ml bottle size between 3 and 6 months.

During this transition stage, it will be essential to observe your baby's signs of fullness and customize the size of the bottle according to his or her individual needs .

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