Toutes les mères sont dans la nature - Élhée

All mothers are in nature

At a time when more and more women are transgressing the rules of a fixed patriarchal society, when minds finally seem to be waking up and lifestyles are flourishing in a claimed eclecticism, the condition of mother could finally escape the single and reductive schema to which it was confined for a long time. If there are a thousand ways to become a mother, the path of love is now the only guide to move towards one's own truth...

Whether an innate vocation or an act of insane love, becoming a mother, however intimidating it may be, is no longer the prerogative of a category of established women. In its infancy but led by a determined generation, society is abolishing gender boundaries and other stereotypes, to encourage the advent of a new mother in whom everyone can recognize themselves.

Free in our choices as parents

Biological, adoptive, natural or medically assisted mother, stepmother, wife or single mother... the terminologies are numerous but are not enough to describe the infinite diversity of each person's situations.

However, if they can take various forms that are less and less controversial, the family and parenthood are still at the center of all attention. Particularly subject to the assessments of third parties, the mother remains scrutinized and measured from the first weeks of pregnancy. Because if becoming a mother is not a duty, it necessarily involves its share of choices. The best diet for the baby in utero, the question of breast or bottle feeding, the co-sleeping or solo cradle option, the potty solution or the preparation of homemade purees: the more or less benevolent judgments around the good supposed of the child go far enough to question the mother in herself when her choices are judged, often in a very subjective way, to be inconsistent.

If Élhée campaigns for the recognition of a contemporary, modern and liberated family, it is above all to preserve the free will of parents, of the mother in particular. Freed from clichés, this leading role can only be guided by the instinctive, primary and elementary feelings which indisputably bind a child to his mother.

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