Les envies les plus insolites des femmes enceintes ! - Élhée

The most unusual desires of pregnant women!

A few weeks ago we did a little survey on our Instagram account ( @elhee_france ) to collect your testimonies on your strangest desires during pregnancy and you didn't fail to make us laugh. From sauerkraut to kiri dipped in chocolate yogurt or even fried camembert for breakfast… Here is the list of your funniest desires! But where do they come from exactly?

No study has been able to prove with certainty what the precise causes of these food “urges” are. However, several scientists agree that our body is naturally aware of its nutritional needs and that this sense could be intensified during pregnancy by hormonal changes likely to cause the famous unusual cravings.

Candy, sauerkraut and pickles came up most often but here is a little anthology of your answers…

Julie: “Raw meat all the time even though I’m vegetarian…”

Carole: “Pickles, pickles and more pickles”

Aurélia: “Tabouleh rolled in a slice of ham”

Clothilde: “Endive salad EVERY DAY. Fortunately my daughter doesn't have a head of endive :)”

Amalia: “Candies, as chemical as possible! (crocodile type)”

Mélanie: “Pains au chocolats but only those from supermarkets, especially not those from the bakery!! ”

Vivian: “For 15 days I fed exclusively on Twix, sometimes up to 30 per day!”

Amandine: “Sardines for breakfast, lunch and dinner”

Eugénie: “Harissa kebabs…which I have never eaten since”

Nasturtium “Doing laundry all the time so I could smell the smell, I could have eaten it if I could”

Clotilde: “Lemon, tarama and LAUGHING COW even though I usually never eat them”

Virginie: “Meat from morning to night (just the idea disgusts me now)”

Alexandra: “For Adam I ate cabbage (sauerkraut) for 3 months”

Elise: “4 cheese pizza for breakfast”

Anne-Laure: “Gherkins for number 1, celery puree for number 2 and tacos armored with harissa for number 3”

Amélie: “Gherkins and chocolate… at the same time!!!”

Hélène: “Gherkins, but above all the vinegar water of the gherkins”

Anna: “Candies but very sour”

Margot: “Artichokes and vanilla ice cream cones, all the time”

Cover photography source: Studio154 photography

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