Faut-il faire chauffer le biberon de bébé pour éviter les coliques ? - Élhée

Should you heat the bottle to avoid colic?

Infant colic is a source of stress for many parents. These episodes of intense crying most often occur after feedings and in the evening , at bedtime. They plunge parents, distraught and looking for solutions, into deep distress.

Is heating the bottle a solution to prevent colic? 🤔

According to certain recommendations sometimes made by those around us, the answer is yes. But what is it really? Is this technique actually an ancestral popular belief? Let's explore this possibility before looking at the potential causes of colic in babies.


Definition: infant colic

Infant colic is characterized by frequent and prolonged crying in healthy babies. Generally, these attacks occur at the end of the day and can last several hours. Although their exact cause is still unknown today, they are often attributed to abdominal pain or digestive problems.

Among the most common hypotheses, an immature digestive tract is often stated among health professionals.

Does warming the bottle prevent colic in babies?

The absence of medical and tangible evidence

Bottle warming is a common practice, as it appears that some babies prefer milk at a temperature close to body temperature, thus mimicking breastfeeding . However, to date, there is no solid scientific evidence demonstrating that it would prevent the onset of colic.

The latter are a complex phenomenon, often multifactorial, and milk temperature is only one of the many aspects to consider.

Testimonies seeming to validate the theory

However, some parents have reported that their babies seemed more comfortable and developed less gas when the milk was warmed first.

On the other hand, note that boiling milk to an excessive temperature does not provide any benefit. 🌡️ In fact, boiling milk loses some of its essential nutrients. Plus, it runs the risk of still being too hot for your child at mealtime, assuming it doesn't have time to cool down sufficiently.

To warm a bottle, the use of the microwave is not recommended.

📍 On the same subject: how to prepare a bottle for your baby?

Other possible causes of colic

While warming the bottle may provide some comfort, it is important to consider other factors that could be contributing to the development of colic in your baby.

Here are some of the potential causes to be aware of.

An intolerance to cow's milk proteins

Some colic is directly linked to an intolerance or allergy to cow's milk proteins ( CMPA ). Only a doctor or pediatrician will be able to issue a diagnosis validating your suspicions. This intolerance often manifests itself with symptoms such as vomiting, rash, or abnormal stools. Consulting an early childhood professional will help you choose a new diet that is more suited to your child.

📍 Read also : Which milk powder to choose for your baby's bottle?

Poor position when feeding

Baby's position during feeding may play a role in preventing colic. An inappropriate position leads to excessive ingestion of air, causing the famous colic responsible for stomach aches. When bottle-feeding, make sure baby is positioned correctly, with head slightly elevated and body aligned, to help reduce air ingestion and improve digestion.

Genetic predispositions

Colic can also be influenced by genetic factors. Some babies may be more likely to develop colic due to a hereditary predisposition. If you or your child's siblings have suffered from colic, it is likely that your child's risk of developing it will be increased.

Although these genetic predispositions cannot be modified, a better understanding of family history can help us anticipate (in addition to putting things into perspective ).

A bottle or pacifier with a flow rate unsuitable for age

Too rapid a flow causes massive ingestion of milk and air, causing bloating . A baby who swallows too much milk in a short time overloads his digestive system.

Conversely, a flow that is too slow causes frustration and fatigue in your baby, who then has to suck harder to get the milk. This vigorous action to compensate for the slow flow also increases air ingestion.

Pacifiers available on the market are generally categorized by age and flow intensity (slow, medium, fast, as well as variable flow) . Respecting this classification intended to correspond to the different phases of growth and development of your child is recommended. Adjustments will be necessary as baby grows and his needs change.

To sum up

According to some parents, heating the milk facilitates digestion, but it is not a guaranteed solution against colic or even officially validated by scientific discourse. The best thing to do is therefore to follow your instinct as a father and mother and to remain united, even in adversity.

Good news ! Colic generally fades around 4 to 6 months , with the beginning of dietary diversification. 😉

Elhée advice:
Have you thought about changing your bottle?
Yours may not be suitable for your child.
The baby bottles we offer are all anti-colic, in addition to being made of medical silicone and therefore without the risk of spreading plastic nanoparticles in the milk.
Want to treat yourself with an original and ultra-trendy anti-colic bottle?
Discover our Graouu collection ! 🐆
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