Burping, a small characteristic noise in babies that parents pay close attention to after each bottle. But is it really necessary and if so, how can you encourage it? What to do if your baby doesn't burp and, above all, should you worry? These are all questions that every parent asks themselves at least once. So, to better understand this physiological phenomenon and measure its implications on your child's well-being, the Élhée team asked itself the questions for you.
- From a physiological point of view, what is burping?
- How to prevent baby from swallowing too much air while drinking?
- Why burp your baby after every milk feed?
- How do you know if your baby is bothered by a stuck burp?
- What is the best position to burp a baby?
- Otherwise, is burping also for breastfed babies?
- And if there is no burp after the bottle, is it serious?
- Is it a problem if baby falls asleep without burping?
- What about reflux?
From a physiological point of view, what is burping?
Specialists also talk about belching. Burping, whether in babies or adults, is a natural mechanism used by the human body to expel air absorbed at the same time as a meal . This air, accumulated in the stomach, creates an unpleasant pressure, which must be released. The esophageal sphincter located at the throat then opens to let the air rise and escape through the mouth. A common phenomenon that causes a sound that is just as common and often makes children laugh.
How to prevent baby from swallowing too much air while drinking?

Burping after a bottle occurs because the baby has swallowed air while drinking and his body needs to expel it. If the problem is not serious, preventing it is more comfortable, and for that, here are our best tips.
- Choose a physiological pacifier that is adapted to the size and shape of your baby's lips so that it fits them perfectly.
- Make sure the nipple is always full of milk by tilting the bottle sufficiently.
- Avoid shaking the milk too much during preparation ( this creates bubbles ) or let it sit for a few minutes before giving it to your baby.
- If you find that your baby is drinking quickly , take breaks during his milk feed to encourage him to breathe properly (if he tolerates them).
- Discover the anti-colic bottle designed to limit air absorption during feeding.
At Élhée, we have designed a 100% healthy anti-colic baby bottle, entirely made in France. Its soft medical silicone bottle and the anti-colic valve added to its physiological teat make it a bottle that is twice as effective against infant colic compared to the usual rigid models.
Why burp baby after every milk meal?
Burping your baby helps to expel air swallowed while drinking and reduces the risk of bloating, abdominal pain and colic . Encouraging burping therefore contributes to the well-being and digestive comfort of your little one.
How do you know if your baby is bothered by a stuck burp?
After his bottle, if your child needs to burp and cannot do so, you will notice it quickly and more and more easily as meals go on.
- To express his discomfort, he squirms , arches his back and looks uncomfortable .
- Even though his bottle is not finished, he refuses to continue sucking .
- As if to let you know where the problem is, baby grimaces or makes forward mouth movements .
- He folds his legs towards his stomach , a characteristic position in case of abdominal pain.
- When touched, you can feel under your fingers, his belly a little tense .
- Crying may occur.
- Baby may also regurgitate some milk .
If nothing else is bothering him, if he hasn't filled his diaper while eating, or if another pain (like teething ) isn't disrupting his meal, it's because a stuck burp needs to be relieved.
What is the best position to burp a baby?

While older children may enjoy it and find it funny, babies may need to burp but may not be able to.
During or after bottle feeding, place your baby in an upright position, facing you . Keep him with his tummy against your chest and his head resting on your shoulder. Then gently pat his back until the burp comes out.
You can also place your baby on his side, in a sitting position on your knees , with one hand on his chest for support under his chin, and the other used to tap your fingers on his back. Also try with your baby sitting facing you , your hands under his armpits and presto! Here we go for the little jumps that make him laugh and burp.
These tips are among the most effective, but if all else fails, here is one last one. Lay baby on his stomach on your knees and, always, gently rub his back to help him. If he is not yet able to hold his head up on his own, use one of your thighs to rest it.
💡 In any case, always make sure to hold your child firmly with your hand and keep the tapping hand ready to react to catch him if necessary.
Otherwise, is burping also for breastfed babies?
It's true that burping is more common in bottle-fed babies. For breastfed babies, the mother's nipple and the child's mouth harmonize more easily, to the point of being almost airtight and preventing the passage of air. However, breastfed babies who suck hard, fast, or who are poorly positioned can also swallow excess air and therefore need to burp from time to time.
And if there is no burp after the bottle, is it serious?
No, not all babies burp all the time .
For some it comes naturally while others don't need it or need it very little. If you feel your baby is uncomfortable after his meal, if he seems bloated or if he is squirming and fussy, try to help him burp, but don't worry if he can't do it.
Is it a problem if baby falls asleep without burping?
If possible, try to burp your baby before bedtime , but if nothing comes out and your baby doesn't seem upset , not burping after a bottle or feed is usually not a problem . The accumulated air may come out during sleep when he changes position, when he wakes up, or not at all.
What about reflux?
Reflux is the discharge of a small amount of milk through the mouth or nose after breastfeeding. This is a common occurrence in babies, especially during the first few months, and is generally not a cause for concern. If reflux is abundant or accompanied by other symptoms (crying, weight loss), then take the time to consult a doctor.
Élhée baby bottles will accompany your baby from birth to 24 months and beyond, to allow him perfect autonomy, without risk of breakage.
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