Tétine physiologique à débit extra lent : votre alliée pour apaiser bébé - Élhée

Physiological pacifier with extra slow flow: your ally to soothe baby

Even before birth, your baby experiences the sucking reflex in utero. Also, choosing the right flow rate for the nipple of your bottle is essential from the first days of life. For newborns, for small premature babies and more generally for all infants for whom the “S” flow pacifier is not suitable, Élhée offers the “XS” physiological pacifier with extra slow flow, designed to soothe babies.


The physiological pacifier: understanding how it works

Much of the effectiveness and comfort of a bottle comes from its teat. This is why, for its anti-colic bottle , Élhée chose a physiological teat in ultra-soft medical silicone.

Its unique shape, profiled and asymmetrical, harmonizes perfectly with babies' palates. Ergonomic, the physiological pacifier does not hinder the natural development of the jaw. To use it properly, simply place the rounded side of the pacifier towards the roof of your mouth, and the flat side against your baby's tongue .

A natural choice, which also limits the risk of breast/bottle confusion if you practice mixed breastfeeding with baby . The physiological pacifier is also recommended after breastfeeding, at the time of weaning and the transition from the breast to the bottle.

Its material, medial grade silicone , is another asset. Extra soft , it allows your baby to suck effortlessly, for sensations close to breastfeeding .

The extra slow flow physiological teat offers the additional advantage of slower milk flow into baby's mouth. And, who says controlled flow, means less air absorbed, less colic in infants and more comfort during digestion.

4 benefits of the extra slow flow pacifier for your child

The Élhée extra slow flow physiological teat allows for a gentler flow of milk. It is also, like all other models of pacifiers (S, M and L), equipped with an anti-colic valve . Thus, its advantages are numerous for all babies:

      • Less air absorbed during feeding and therefore less risk of infant colic ,
      • mixed breastfeeding made easier thanks to a slightly flattened shape and an extra soft texture reminiscent of the nipple,
      • less risk of misdirection thanks to a constant flow, for a more peaceful meal,
      • possible use from birth , even for a premature baby, even for a baby with feeding difficulties, even for a small eater and above all, for all babies,
      • an XS flow teat, also suitable for water consumption from 6 months.

        The extra slow flow pacifier, a pacifier for premature babies

        Beyond the issues of quantity of milk and frequency of feedings, premature babies may experience feeding difficulties, have difficulty latching or suckling, and often fall asleep without having finished their bottle.

        In this case, if possible, the extra soft medical silicone teat can facilitate milk intake by requiring less effort. In addition, choosing an extra slow flow rate makes it possible to better manage the quantity of milk flowed, to avoid the feeling of suffocation , to soothe infant colic and to reduce the risk of regurgitation .

        In addition, adopting the BibRond, flexible and unbreakable, allows you to accompany the milk with a gentle pressure of the hand . This, always with the aim of helping your premature baby to eat meals more easily.

        the elhee anti-colic bottle

        Pacifier and breastfeeding: the benefits of extra slow flow

        Drinking from the breast and drinking from a bottle are two quite different activities for your baby. On the one hand, baby has to open his mouth wide to get a good grip on the nipple, and on the other hand, this is not necessary. At the breast, the flow of milk varies naturally, whereas with a bottle, it does not. Moreover, if the flow rate from the teat is not correct, the milk may flow alone or not arrive at all. Enough to annoy baby.

        The extra slow flow physiological teat makes milk flow more regular and reproduces the sucking effort necessary during breastfeeding. By harmonizing the transition from breast to bottle, the XS pacifier promotes mixed breastfeeding or supports baby weaning.

        When to change the bottle nipple?

        Used several times a day, cleaned then chewed after the first teeth appear, the pacifier is subjected to harsh tests. This is why you will need to change it regularly. Also, when preparing your baby's bottle, examine it carefully.

        • If the pacifier is worn , has tears, cracks or a hole , it is time to replace it.
        • If the pacifier sticks or if it has changed appearance or color, make your life easier and change it too.
        • If the flow is too fast or too slow , opt for another speed, but do not change model or brand, as this risks disrupting subsequent feedings. To know when to change the flow rate of your baby's bottle nipple, watch it. If he fusses, moans or cries, or if his bottle lasts too long, he may not be getting enough milk. Try the size up. Conversely, if baby swallows his bottle, coughs or chokes, the milk is flowing too quickly. Then test the lower flow rate.
        • Finally, if the nipple is really dirty , place another one on the bottle. It is for this reason in particular that Élhée physiological pacifiers are sold in pairs.

        Need for sucking and well-being of the baby: a close link to observe from birth

        a baby soothed after his bottle

        Babies have a strong need for sucking from birth. Both nourishing, anti-stress and pain-relieving, breastfeeding has many virtues , including that of secreting analgesic endorphins, favorable to relaxation and well-being. Also, it is essential that this moment remains gentle and serene.

        To help your baby feel comfortable, adopt the best positions for bottle-feeding . In a lullaby, face to face or in bed, a well-fed baby will soon fall asleep, satisfied, having nursed.

        Please note, if your baby suffers from GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease), prefer to give him the bottle in a semi-vertical position, adding small breaks to his meal to prevent him from drinking his milk too quickly.

        That said, the main obstacle to baby's mealtimes is colic . Infant colic often occurs after feeding and causes severe pain accompanied by intense crying.

        Currently, among the most likely causes of colic is too much air absorption during feeding. By reducing this intake, you naturally reduce the discomfort your baby may suffer from.

        What is a physiological pacifier?

        The physiological pacifier differs from the anatomical pacifier by its asymmetrical profile, one flat side, one convex side, naturally adapted to babies' mouths.

        Which pacifier to switch to a bottle?

        To switch from breastfeeding to bottle feeding, opt for a physiological teat in extra soft silicone with a suitable flow rate. Close to the maternal breast in its shape and texture, it supports gentle weaning.

        Does the pacifier calm colic?

        The Élhée physiological pacifier has an anti-colic valve which allows the BibRond to more easily soothe infants' colic.

        How to prevent baby from swallowing air in their bottle?

        Because air bubbles can increase the risk of infant colic, opt for a physiological pacifier with an anti-colic valve and ensure that the pacifier always remains filled with milk during feeding.


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