Biberon anti-colique : présentation et fonctionnement - Élhée

Anti-colic bottle: presentation and operation

Babies often suffer from colic, from birth!

These intestinal disorders cause intense pain and untimely crying, generally in the evening and just after eating a meal. A real nightmare for parents worried about their offspring. First of all, let it be said: colic is not dangerous. But the discomfort they generate deserves to be treated.

Anti-colic bottles are a good way to fight against this scourge. They have been designed to help reduce stomach aches linked to the absorption of air during meals, an aggravating factor in the presence of colic...

In this article, we decode how anti-colic bottles work and explain in what cases and up to what age you can use them. Our objective ? Help your little one (and you parents) smile again in the coming days!


Origin and causes of colic in babies

Infant colic is a symptom rather than a disease itself. Although the mystery surrounding the origin of this disease is not yet clearly elucidated, several causes have been pointed out by the scientific body.

Here are a few :

1. Immaturity of the digestive system

  • Colic in infants is thought to be caused by immaturity of the digestive system at this stage of growth, leading to abdominal pain and more frequent gas during digestion.

2. An unbalanced diet in the breastfeeding mother

  • Colic in children is accentuated by an unbalanced diet of the mother in the event of exclusive breastfeeding or breastfeeding, although this reason is not the only one and should not make you feel guilty! It is therefore best to avoid foods such as:
    • citrus fruits,
    • spices,
    • fried or high-fat foods,
    • dairy products (consumable during breastfeeding but sparingly).

    What you eat inevitably ends up in breast milk. Even if the quantities are minimal, this can cause bloating, gas or a feeling of discomfort in your child, whose digestive system, still fragile, struggles to cope with this type of food.

    3. An intolerance to POS

    • An intolerance to cow's milk proteins (CMP) can also be the cause of these famous colic. In this case, it is recommended that you contact a doctor or your pediatrician to take stock of the situation and choose a PLV-free milk suitable for your baby.

    4. Air absorption during meals

    • Of course, one of the main causes of colic is the influx of air into the stomach. This accumulation of air causes the formation of gases that are difficult to evacuate for your child, who, in pain, squirms, cries, screams and clenches his fists. Symptoms suggestive of infant colic but can be relieved with the use of an anti-colic bottle.

    How do anti-colic bottles work?

    The anti-colic bottle is designed to minimize the passage of air during meals.

    • They usually have a ventilation system that allows air to flow outwards rather than down towards your baby's stomach. This action helps prevent colic by reducing gas absorption.
    • Some models may offer an anti-colic valve integrated into the teat . We talk about this again further down in this article.

    Let us emphasize the fact that colic in infants tends to disappear around the child's six months, with the arrival of dietary diversification. In fact, an anti-colic bottle can be used even if no colic occurs . In this case, its use will be preventive in nature.

    When to use an anti-colic bottle?

    Anti-colic bottles are particularly useful for babies who suffer from colic , from birth.

    To be certain that the cause of these stomach aches is linked to infant colic, you should first obtain the opinion of your pediatrician or your attending physician in order to avoid self-diagnosis and to determine with accuracy the underlying cause . A child in pain must always be taken care of and their pain should not be minimized at the risk of missing a more serious problem.

    Did you know ?

    Children who have difficulty breastfeeding or who have poor sucking power should benefit from the benefits of an anti-colic bottle! Indeed, poor suction promotes the absorption of air and therefore the development of gas in the digestive system.

    Can we rely solely on anti-colic bottles to relieve baby?

    Anti-colic bottles can help reduce the symptoms of colic in babies, but they are not a miracle solution ... Before you want to eliminate the symptoms related to colic, ask yourself the cause(s) of the problem.

    It is important to understand that every baby is different and that the causes of colic are, as we said above, multifactorial:

    • unsuitable milk ,
    • flow rate from the pacifier too high,
    • lack of position during feeding,
    • etc.

    Once the problem is identified, it will be easier to tailor the response.

    Until what age should you use an anti-colic bottle?

    There is no single answer to this question, each baby develops at their own pace or encounters different problems.

    A bottle that can be used even after colic has disappeared

    Some babies may need to use an anti-colic bottle for several months . It is also not necessary to switch back to a bottle without an anti-colic device once your child's stomach aches have stopped.

    A useful bottle from birth!

    To avoid being caught off guard, you can equip yourself with an anti-colic bottle before your admission to the maternity ward. So, in the event of abdominal pain from the first days of your baby's life, you will be able to feed him with your bottle, specially designed to reduce air absorption and thus cope with the situation with complete peace of mind.

    What characteristics should you prioritize in an anti-colic bottle?

    There are many models of anti-colic bottles on the market, each with their own characteristics. However, the main function of these bottles will always be the same: to reduce, or even completely eliminate, colic in your child.

    The presence of an anti-colic valve on the pacifier

    The presence of an anti-colic valve on the bottle teat regulates the entry of air into the bottle during feeding by acting as an “evacuation outlet”.

    Naturally slow pacifier flow

    A slow flow from the pacifier prevents baby from swallowing his meal, and a surplus of air at the same time...

    A shape designed to reduce the passage of air

    Certain shapes of bottles are more suitable than others and help reduce the passage of air during feedings.

    In summary

    • Colic is a widespread occurrence whose exact origin remains uncertain to this day. Certain solutions make it possible to improve the condition of babies affected by the phenomenon. Before doing what is necessary, it is important to ensure that no serious cause is linked to the pain experienced by your child.
    • Subsequently, using an anti-colic bottle can be lifesaving! Its characteristics make it possible to reduce the absorption of air during feedings and to relieve baby.
    • To complete the action of your anti-colic bottle, we invite you to consult all our tips aimed at calming infant colic!
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