Biberon nouveau-né : l’indispensable à mettre dans votre valise pour la maternité ! - Élhée

Newborn bottle: the essential to put in your suitcase for maternity!

The arrival of a newborn is a time filled with excitement and preparations. One of the essential items not to forget when packing your suitcase for maternity is, of course, the newborn bottle...

In this article, we'll guide you on packing your suitcase and answer essential questions (like the best time to do it). We will also give you our best advice for choosing the ideal bottle before your baby arrives!

Good reading.


When to pack your suitcase for maternity?

It is recommended to prepare your suitcase for the maternity ward a few weeks before the expected due date. This allows you to have ample time to purchase missing items or make adjustments if necessary. It is important to prepare well in advance to avoid any last minute stress!

Some private clinics provide a list of the different items to bring a few months before the big day.

Don't hesitate to trust them and use this support to prepare your suitcase.

What to pack in your suitcase besides clothes and a newborn bottle?

In addition to clothes for you and your baby, there are several important items to include in your maternity suitcase.

  • Diapers and liniment

Diapers in size 0 (less than 2 kilos) and size 1 (between 2 and 5 kilos) washable or disposable are obviously essential. Disposable diapers will be less ecological but much more practical for the first days. As for liniment, it is ideal for cleaning your child's bottom.

In the maternity ward, you will receive help to clean up what is called meconium . The latter can be quite difficult to clean, as it adheres to the skin of babies' bottoms. This is the first fecal matter produced by a newborn.

Did you know ?

Meconium forms from dead cells in amniotic fluid ingested by the fetus and glandular secretions in the intestine. It is therefore completely different from the normal stools that form after the introduction of food in infants.

Viscous and greenish in appearance, sometimes blackish, it is present in the intestine of the fetus during the gestation period. It is usually passed out by the baby shortly after birth, within the first 24 to 48 hours.

  • Two special baby blankets

Bringing one or two blankets is wise, especially if the temperatures are cool. You will be able to cover baby and wrap him up in the cozy before going to your vehicle and returning home.

Avoid blankets with large mesh that a newborn can easily get their hand or foot stuck in. Maternity hospitals sometimes provide fleece blankets for the stay. Note that it is possible to learn how to swaddle your child before giving birth to be comfortable with this technique when the time comes.

  • Little hats and socks

The kind of clothes that are very easy to be moved by! The birth caps are, of course, very cute. They are especially essential to protect your baby's skull . Hairy babies will, logically, be less sensitive to ambient coolness. But it's impossible to know in advance whether your child will be born with or without hair... This detail is not visible on the ultrasound. 😉

Socks are also very important; They prevent hypothermia from developing in the infant's feet and improve blood circulation by keeping them warm.

  • Physiological serum

It is recommended to include saline in your suitcase to clean your baby's face and remove impurities after birth. Physiological serum is also very useful for cleaning the eyes and eliminating ocular secretions.

Note that newborns have narrow nasal passages. A detail that can prevent them from breathing properly if they are obstructed. This magical serum will help moisten baby's nostrils and eliminate phlegm.

Finally, let us add that after birth, the umbilical cord is cut and requires appropriate care. Gently clean the area around the cord for 15 days to prevent infections and promote rapid healing.

  • Bodysuits and pajamas in sizes 0 and 1 month

Bodysuits, as well as pajamas, are essential outfits for newborns, who are sensitive to temperature changes. They allow you to cover your baby's body without revealing his stomach.

Some parents prefer bodysuits that slip on like vests , which avoids having to put the baby's head through the collar... Babies in fact tend to be less receptive with these second systems which, according to one theory, could remind them of the trauma linked to their birth (in the case of vaginal birth).

Plan wide!

Babies tend to have episodes of spitting up or small diaper leaks, so it's best to bring at least 7 changes of bodysuits and pajamas .

By including sizes 0 and 1 in your suitcase, you ensure you have clothes appropriate for your baby's size. Some children are indeed born heavier and larger than the estimates given by the medical profession suggested.

Clothing made from soft, breathable cotton is generally best for newborn babies' delicate skin. Snaps at the crotch will make changing diapers easier.

  • diapers

Swaddles are squares of soft, absorbent fabric used for a variety of purposes in baby care. They are an example of versatility and practicality! You can use them as cloth diapers by placing them between your baby's skin and the disposable diaper to absorb moisture and protect their skin.

Or use it to wipe baby's mouth and absorb any regurgitation. Finally, it is possible to transform them into a light blanket to protect:

  1. your baby from the cold and drafts,
  2. surfaces when changing diapers.

  • Your personal belongings

Finally, don't forget to bring:

  • your health record ,
  • your identity card ,
  • your bank card ,
  • your Vitale and mutual insurance card ,
  • your cell phone and your charger,
  • your homeopathy tubes if you were prescribed them during your pregnancy,
  • your toiletries,
  • underwear that you no longer care about,
  • comfortable and loose clothing to give birth and start your postpartum period in optimal conditions!

  • Your birth plan

Also remember to write your birth plan and give it to the healthcare team. This letter lists your wishes and preferences. It improves communication between you and the midwives and ensures you don't forget any important details about your child's arrival.

Concretely, the birth plan can express wishes such as:

  • offer your partner the opportunity to cut the cord,
  • enjoy a lukewarm bath before work,
  • benefit from help and advice for getting your baby to the breast ,
  • etc.

The birth plan can be prepared with the help of a private midwife during your pregnancy.

Should you provide one or more bottles for your newborn?

It's pretty easy to know how many pajamas to bring or whether your favorite book is required. On the other hand, the number of bottles sometimes raises questions…

We of course recommend that you bring at least one bottle for your newborn to the maternity ward. This will allow you to feed him if you have difficulty breastfeeding or if you choose to give formula from birth.

However, note that it may be useful to bring a few extra bottles in case your stay is extended and you consider expressing your milk on site.


How to choose your special newborn bottle?

When choosing a bottle for a newborn, it is important to take into account certain criteria. Opt for a bottle with a teat adapted to your baby's delicate mouth. At this age, a slow flow pacifier is recommended.

Preferably choose a bottle that is easy to handle and expandable . A baby bottle that can accommodate pacifiers with a faster flow rate, or even a leak-proof spout that will transform it into a training cup , is an ideal solution to make your purchase profitable and not disturb your baby with too many changes.

To sum up

  • When packing your suitcase for maternity, don't forget to include a suitable bottle. An anti-colic bottle with a slow flow is recommended. It is advisable to bring at least one bottle, but several may be useful in the event of an extended stay.

  • Pack essential items such as baby clothes, diapers, wipes and hygiene products. Don't forget your own things!

Tip : Place this article in your favorites to more easily find the list of items to take. Please note, this is not exhaustive! For example, you can add a pacifier for a newborn or your camera. On the other hand, avoid cuddly toys before your baby is six months old.
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