Eau du robinet ou en bouteille… Quelle eau pour le biberon de votre bébé ? - Élhée

Tap or bottled water… Which water for your baby’s bottle?

Infant feeding is a major concern for parents, and the choice of liquids used for bottle preparation is no exception. In this article, we will try to answer these two questions:

  • Can you cut a bottle of breast milk with water?
  • And what water should I use to dilute powdered milk?


Breast milk in the bottle? Nothing more to add !

If you are considering cutting the bottle of breast milk with water, know that this will represent nothing more or less than a waste of time. In fact, breast milk already contains all the elements necessary to properly hydrate and nourish your baby.

Breastfeeding on demand helps meet your child's needs and is usually sufficient on its own. However, in the event of proven dehydration, for example following vomiting or diarrhea, your pediatrician may prescribe a medicinal solution (most often in powder form to be diluted) intended to quickly rehydrate your child.

The rest of the time, you will therefore not need to supplement your baby's food during the first months of life if you are breastfeeding. In addition, even if water may seem harmless, diluting breast milk could, through repetition, deprive the child of nutrients essential to its development by reducing the quantity of milk produced by the mother.

Little well-being reminder ! ✨

Giving your baby carbonated or sugary drinks is strongly discouraged. Added sugars and gaseous components are not suitable for his developing digestive system. Breast milk or powdered milk prepared according to recommendations are the only liquids necessary for your well-being. Water can be introduced around the age of six months , in small quantities and at the same time as dietary diversification .

What water to add to a bottle of powdered milk?

If breastfeeding is not possible or difficult to implement, powdered milk is the ideal alternative. It will then be necessary to mix it with drinking water, without contraindications for consumption, to obtain a preparation worthy of the name!

1. If you opt for bottled water…

Bottled water may be considered when tap water has quality or safety issues. It is important to choose brands recommended by pediatricians and which meet all the criteria set out by the decree of 07/14/2007 . Options include Mont Roucours , which has been 100% approved for infants.

Be sure to check labels to make sure there are no additives that are harmful to babies. Instead, opt for water with a neutral to slightly acidic pH (between 6 and 7), as water that is too alkaline could upset the acid balance in baby's stomach and disrupt his digestion.

2. If you opt for tap water

In France, tap water is subject to strict quality standards and is regularly tested to ensure that it is safe for consumption. Always check the water quality in your area.

If the water quality reports are unsatisfactory or your municipality of residence warns not to drink it, refrain from giving it to your child, even if you use a filter jug. Filtering the water will not make it drinkable. On the other hand, it will be able to eliminate potential contaminants, such as heavy metals (lead, copper), chlorine, traces of tartar or even certain pesticides.

Some precautions when using tap water to prepare your baby bottle

  • When preparing a bottle with tap water, be sure to let it run for a few moments before collecting it. This will eliminate any buildup of substances present in the pipes or lines. This action is useful if you have recently moved or are staying in a place that is not occupied all year round.

  • If you travel abroad, be sure to find out about the potability of the water! Or pack a few bottles of water in advance so you're not caught off guard. Changing water should not have any impact on your child's digestion and behavior. If this were the case, you would then need to contact a doctor urgently to eliminate any risk of bacterial contamination.

  • If you are present in an airport or any other place of transit at a time when businesses are closed, go to the cafeteria or inspect the halls and corridors... You will surely find a distributor of cold drinks and bottled water for prevent you from experiencing a shortage situation at 3 a.m.! Switching from tap water to bottled water will have no impact on your child's health.

Did you know ?

Choosing the best options for your baby's well-being also includes the choice of containers! This is why Elhée created the innovative Bibrond , a medical grade silicone baby bottle that does not release plastic particles into the milk.

Visit our store !

To conclude

Whether you choose bottled water or tap water, the main objective is of course to ensure the health and well-being of your baby by providing a safe liquid suitable for their needs. Never leave your child for too long without drinking. Adapt its consumption to the temperatures and its age.

If you have any doubts or concerns, do not hesitate to consult your pediatrician for advice specific to your situation.

➡ What to remember in brief:

  • It is best not to dilute breast milk , as it already provides all the necessary nutrients.
  • If using powdered milk, drinking tap water is a viable option , without forgetting the importance of choosing the appropriate bottles.
  • Bottled water may be considered in specific circumstances, choosing brands recommended by healthcare professionals. Recycling plastic bottles is an additional constraint that must however be considered.
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