Le biberon comme objet transitionnel dès la naissance - Élhée

The bottle as a transitional object from birth

As a mother or father of a young child, you may have heard of the transitional object. According to child psychiatrists, the concept is simple and yet not always clear to parents. The transitional object accompanies the baby in his discovery of the outside world. Half rampart, half pillar, this unconditional source of comfort is particularly useful when the anxiety of separation is felt. Symbol of the first months and the parent-child relationship, doesn't the bottle have its legitimacy here?


Round and supple like the maternal breast, the Round Bib, an emotional vector

Among the very first objects to enter your infant's field of vision is the bottle. A nourishing object from the very beginning , the baby bottle is also one of the first utensils taken in hand. So your baby has every reason to love it. Even more so if it is round, supple and soft like mom's breast.

The bottle is an object charged with emotion . He is the one who relieves hunger, the one who comforts, the one who relieves stress and the one who brings the child closer to his parents. The emotional connection that develops between baby and his bottle underlines the importance of this familiar object in the development of autonomy and self-confidence.

The bottle is also a powerful symbol of maternal love . Skin to skin, eye to eye, feeding is a time conducive to whispered words, exchanged smiles and caresses that make your baby happy. We therefore easily understand that the object is associated with a wave of positive emotions.

This is why Élhée imagined her Bib Rond as an ode to parenthood, motherhood and uninhibited maternal love . Give the bottle yes, but with tenderness and in complete health. From then on, in true homage to the maternal breast, the Round Bib becomes a vector of the most beautiful emotions that the child takes with him everywhere .


Winnicott's transitional object, what are we talking about?

The concepts of transitional objects and transitional spaces were developed by Donald Winnicott in the 1950s. A British pediatrician and psychoanalyst, he wrote several works on the development of the child and his relationship with the mother .

According to him, the beginnings of the transitional object appear when babies become aware of the first objects around them, around 4 months. His role becomes more marked at the age of 8 months , when baby realizes that he is an independent being from his mother. This is the period of separation anxiety. At that moment, the need for a transitional object is created, as a substitute for maternal absence .

By extension, the transitional space includes all the moments during which the young child is not with his parents or with his mother: at the nursery, with the childminder, at school, etc.

The importance of the transitional object for your child

the bottle as a transitional and emotional object

The transitional object is a real landmark for your baby. It reminds him that you are close to him, even when you are not physically close . Emotionally charged, it helps bridge the gap between the times you're together and the times you're apart . It's a tangible comfort in his daily life, a bit like a hug always at hand which helps him to wait more confidently. Also, if the cuddly toy is a perfect transitional object, the baby bottle also ticks all the boxes.

The Round Bib accompanies your baby in his discovery of the outside world

Depending on the child, the transitional object can take different forms; a blanket, a toy, a comforter, a piece of clothing or an object. It's like a little piece of you that baby can take everywhere to feel safe, especially when you're apart.

An emotional bottle that recalls the breast and the mother

From the roundness of the maternal womb to that of her breast , the child who is born is surrounded by a convex softness to be preserved. For this, Élhée has imagined a completely round baby bottle, which fits perfectly into the primary world of babies. Made from soft medical grade silicone, the design of the Round Bib and its pacifier pay homage to breastfeeding and materialize within them all the positive emotions that accompany it .

A flexible and soft design, very comforting

What child has never rubbed their cuddly toy on the tip of their nose to find comfort and softness? Thanks to its unique material, the Round Bib , round, supple and soft like the skin of a peach , also offers this soothing effect , very useful and very sought after, especially when you're not there.

A fun and beautiful baby bottle

The transitional object also presents a dimension linked to happiness and satisfaction. When he finds him, the child smiles and hugs him. Round and with a pretty colored cap, the Round Bib , an emotional and comforting object, is playful. To roll or stack , it is the first round baby bottle of its generation.

An unbreakable, eminently practical baby bottle

Finally, the Round Bib is unbreakable. Now, isn't the characteristic of a transitional object that it stands the test of time? Object of transmission among siblings (just replace the bottle teat ) the bottle resists everything: thrown, crushed, frozen and even put in the microwave or the dishwasher, it fears nothing. For this reason, baby can take it with him for a walk, to the sandbox, to the nursery or to grandma and grandpa. He is the unwavering and tangible bond that connects him to mom and dad.

In summary: discover the cuddly baby bottle

What is the role of the transitional object?

The transitional object is placed as a maternal substitute. He accompanies, reassures and comforts the child when his parents are not by his side; at nursery or school for example.

How does the transitional object allow separation?

The transitional object allows babies and young children to represent their parent in a symbolic way. It creates an emotional bridge between the family unit and the outside world. We are talking here about transitional space.

Why do some children not have a blanket?

Because they come from siblings that they find outside, because they benefit from great inner confidence or because another object, like the bottle, serves as a transitional object, some children don't need a comforter.

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